Political advertising and its impact on the right of the voter in the Ecuadorian elections 2021

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Santiago Omar Ortiz-López
David Alejandro Fierro-Quinteros


In Ecuador there are various problems in political campaigns such as visual pollution, poor campaign strategies and the lack of participation of the candidates in the population. For this reason, it is intended to analyze the impact generated by political advertising on the right of the voter in the Ecuadorian elections. A quantitative-correlational method was applied, based on a survey of 208 people in the province of Tungurahua, from which the factors of persuasion of advertising, attitude towards voting, intervention and trust were evaluated through the statistical technique of factorial analysis. exploratory. The results demonstrated consistency and confidence in the four factors of (Advertising Persuasion, Voting Attitude, Intervention, and Confidence). However, it is necessary to consider the lack of strategies in the political proposals, the little participation of some candidates in certain segments and the transparency, in the processes of electoral campaigns and voting.


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How to Cite
Ortiz-López, S. ., & Fierro-Quinteros, D. . (2022). Political advertising and its impact on the right of the voter in the Ecuadorian elections 2021. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-2), 102-114. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.6-2.1589
Author Biographies

Santiago Omar Ortiz-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Lawyer Santiago Omar Ortiz López, Master in Labor Law, Professor of the Technical University of Ambato, Author of several Scientific Articles, Researcher of a research project, on this occasion we made a study of the "Political publicity and its impact on voter rights in the Ecuadorian elections 2021" 

David Alejandro Fierro-Quinteros, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato - Ecuador

- Student of the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Marketing Career and Business Management.  


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