Phenomenological look at the resilience of university teachers under the threat of a pandemic

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Ana Manuela Palma-Avellán
Viviana Alejandra Palma-Sánchez
Carlos Orlando Vélez-Chávez
Angela Agripina Cevallos-Ponce


The purpose of this study was to interpret, from a phenomenological perspective, the resilience of university teachers under the threat of a pandemic from the discourses and actions of social actors in the field of university teaching. In this sense, the research is located in the qualitative approach, under the theoretical perspective of interpretivism, methodologically supported by phenomenology and hermeneutics. The reality under study is assumed from an ontologically complex, multiple, divergent context and in a dynamic of permanent construction and reconstruction where intersubjectivity is present throughout the research process. The teachers linked to this research constitute the social actors, who versioned the reality of the study in four (4) teachers belonging to public universities and three (3) to private ones. Phenomenological techniques such as in-depth interviews and focused testimony were used ( virtual); The information obtained was systematized through coding, categorization and triangulation, from which categories such as: occupational psychosocial risk factors, work performance and factors that consolidate the virtual modality emerged. Finally, I present as a conclusive aspect; the university teacher has been favored and strengthened since they resumed their work from other spaces with responsibility, quality, mystique, commitment, trust and futuristic vision, all with the purpose of fulfilling the moral commitment that they have acquired with society to continue in the personal and social training of students, betting on their knowledge and experiences with an attitude of strength, in order to overshadow their weaknesses and face such a situation with integrity.


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How to Cite
Palma-Avellán, A., Palma-Sánchez, V. ., Vélez-Chávez, C. ., & Cevallos-Ponce, A. (2022). Phenomenological look at the resilience of university teachers under the threat of a pandemic. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-2), 359-371.
Author Biographies

Ana Manuela Palma-Avellán, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Graduated in Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Manabí, Master in university teaching and educational research at the National University of Loja. PhD at the Atlantic International University. – AIU.- Higher Diploma in Research, at the Higher Agricultural Polytechnic School of Manabí (ESPAM); in 2007, Higher Diploma in University Education by Competition. University of Azuay 2010. Professor at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative Sciences.

Viviana Alejandra Palma-Sánchez, Hospital IESS - Ecuador

Medical Surgeon: Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabì

Specialist in Pulmonology _ University of Buenos Aires, Francisco Javier Muñiz Hospital for Infectious Diseases.

Diploma in Sleep Medicine Universidad Austral

Sub-investigator, Centro Buen Ayre Clinic, Argentina 2021

Carlos Orlando Vélez-Chávez, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Professional with degrees of Commercial Engineering obtained in 2009 and Accounting and Auditing Engineer obtained in 2015, both careers studied at the Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. With a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and specialization in Project Management from the International University of La Rioja (Spain). Work experience since 2003 in various administrative, commercial, accounting, logistics and control departments in small, medium and big private companies.

Angela Agripina Cevallos-Ponce, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí - Ecuador

Commercial engineer

Masters of Business Administration

Doctorate in Business Management Benito Juárez University

teaching researcher

Speaker at National and International Conferences

Professor at the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí


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