Organizational culture and its impact on the work environment of the Ayacucho Intercantonal Transport Cooperative, Manabí Province

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María Gabriela Vera-Briones
Cristina Azucena Mendoza-Vera


The interaction between the organizational culture and the work environment is based specifically on the policies, mission, values ​​that are managed within the company, that is, culture affects behavior, these issues are important in the entities to demonstrate the behavior of human talent and what it contributes positively or negatively to the results and ownership of companies. The objective of this research was focused on analyzing the incidence of organizational culture in the work environment of the Ayacucho Intercantonal Transport Cooperative, province of Manabí. A quantitative methodological approach was applied insofar as it tried to understand frequencies, patterns to be followed by the personnel that work in the company; The techniques used for the present investigation were the survey applied to the personnel and the direct observation in the organization under study. The results derived from this research show that the organizational culture and work environment of the Cooperative are based on qualities, principles and ideals governed by its internal regulations. It can be concluded by mentioning that although it is true that within the In the institution, there is a good organizational culture and a good work environment. Processes that help achieve the proposed objectives should be improved.


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How to Cite
Vera-Briones, M. ., & Mendoza-Vera, C. (2023). Organizational culture and its impact on the work environment of the Ayacucho Intercantonal Transport Cooperative, Manabí Province. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(1), 203-213.
Author Biographies

María Gabriela Vera-Briones , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Student of the Master of Business Administration, Postgraduate Institute, Technical University of Manabí, Portoviejo, Ecuador. Economist. 

Cristina Azucena Mendoza-Vera, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Economist and Master in Accounting and Auditing. Professor in the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences- Technical University of Manabí. 


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