Service quality from governance in public management. A reflective vision. Case study: Maternal and Child Health Center type "C" IESS of the Bahía de Caráquez canton.

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Erika Vanessa Sánchez-Franco
Eduardo Geovanny Espinoza-Gálvez


The purpose of the research was to reflect on the quality of service from the perspective of governance in public management, in which the Maternal and Child Health Center type "C" IESS in the Jama canton (province of Manabí) was taken as a case study; This is a qualitative and inductive research approach, with a documentary review strategy based on the triangulation between the theories reviewed, the criteria of the researchers, and what was contributed by the key informants in the interviews, giving opportunity to a new construct which is given under a proposal of good praxis within the public institutionality; At the same time, the level of depth is descriptive; a substantive contribution is made by the interviewees through their comments, expanding the understanding of governance and their approach strategies for the quality of service to users in public administration, in which citizens play a valuable role in strengthening institutional governance. The analysis strategy is based on the Grounded Theory; on the other hand, the possibility of having a valuable discourse provided by the interviewees, has given way to an interpretative method based on hermeneutics, which contributes to the process of understanding, comprehending and interpreting the narrative of the interviewees; as a finding, two aspects emerge for a good praxis in public management: 1.- Public value of quality in public administration, and 2.- Governance for the quality of public service. 


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Franco , E., & Espinoza-Gálvez, E. . (2022). Service quality from governance in public management. A reflective vision. : Case study: Maternal and Child Health Center type "C" IESS of the Bahía de Caráquez canton . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-1), 181-196.
Author Biographies

Erika Vanessa Sánchez-Franco , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Responsible, hardworking, with great dedication and enthusiasm. Extensive experience more than 10 years in different fields of Public Administration. 

Track record of proven achievements and a reputation for positive collaboration. Self-confident, committed to seeing results in any professional goal. 

Eduardo Geovanny Espinoza-Gálvez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Master of Research in Social Sciences with a mention in Rural Territorial Development from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO). Specialist in Social Justice at Oregon State University (OSU, United States). 



Researcher, professor of Public Policies (Ecuador and the United States), consultant in research programs/international cooperation for development, framed in the incidence of formulation and (re) formulation of public policies with a territorial vision as a strategy of Economic Inclusion for overcoming of poverty. 


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