Green taxonomy as a climate finance strategy: A look at Latin America

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Mónica Elizabeth Enríquez-Prado
María Fernanda Mendoza-Saltos
Gregorio Rigoberto Palma-Macías


The objective of this work is based on discerning the fundamental aspects of sustainable financing and that, based on the EU taxonomy, it can contribute to overlapping the effects of climate change and fulfill one of the objectives of the Paris agreement, which is to offer financing to developing countries so that they can mitigate climate change, strengthen resilience and improve their capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate change. For this reason, a documentary-type methodology is used, with a bibliographic design, which allowed discerning the different positions held by the consulted authors. Finally managing to argue that there are great advances in this matter, but there is still a long way to go, and it is a long road and commitment not only of the state authorities who must be guarantors that the laws and regulations are complied with and executed, but also of business organizations and individuals, making our planet more habitable every day.


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How to Cite
Enríquez-Prado, M. ., Mendoza-Saltos, M. ., & Palma-Macías , G. (2022). Green taxonomy as a climate finance strategy: A look at Latin America. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(6-1), 368-380.
Author Biographies

Mónica Elizabeth Enríquez-Prado, Investigador Independiente - Ecuador

Expert in administrative and financial management, with experience of more than 12 years in public and private institutions; professor in chairs of government accounting, and operational and financial risks. Master in Auditing and Finance with a degree in Foreign Trade, Integration and Customs. 

María Fernanda Mendoza-Saltos, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Master in Accounting and Auditing, undergraduate and graduate professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Accounting and Auditing career, former coordinator of the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the UTM, Coordinator of the Accounting master's program and Audit of the Postgraduate Institute of the UTM 

Gregorio Rigoberto Palma-Macías , Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador

Professor at the Technical University of Manabí, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Accounting and Auditing career, Master in management of educational and social projects, responsible for the career design commission of the UTM Accounting and Auditing career. 


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