Analysis and financial risks: an empirical case of higher education institutions

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Moisés Gustavo López-Carrillo
Carolina Mercedes Martínez-Gavilanes


Internal control systems are crucial tools to improve government risk management, they also contribute to the fulfillment of organizational objectives. Therefore, the non-existence or evasion of internal control in educational centers leads to their underfunding. The objective of the research was to analyze the internal control and financial risk management through the coso model for the operational improvement of technical and technological institutes in zone 3 of Ecuador. Using the quantitative method, the financial statements for the period 2015-2019 were studied, through vertical and horizontal analysis and the design of financial indicators, where the main risks faced by the Félix Bucheli Carrera Technological Institute were identified. The research findings determine that the institution exhibits acceptable profit management administration. However, attention should be paid to cash and cash equivalents, since current assets are not very representative to face unforeseen obligations, this causes a solvency risk in the institution. Likewise, the relationship between administrative and sales expenses over income from ordinary activities may be affected by inadequate or non-existent internal control.


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How to Cite
López-Carrillo, M. ., & Martínez-Gavilanes, C. . (2022). Analysis and financial risks: an empirical case of higher education institutions . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-1), 322-335.
Author Biographies

Moisés Gustavo López-Carrillo

Moisés López Carrillo, obtained the title of Bachelor of Commerce and Administration Sciences at the Higher Technological Institute "Rumiñahui". His university studies were carried out at the Technical University of Ambato, in the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, His fourth level studies were carried out by the Technical University of Ambato, Master in Accounting, mention Costs. 

Carolina Mercedes Martínez-Gavilanes, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador

Carolina Mercedes Martínez, obtained a Bachelor's degree in Administrative Sciences and Commerce from the Higher Technological Institute "Hispano América". Her university studies were carried out at the Technical University of Ambato, in the Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, obtaining the Title of Engineering in Accounting and Auditing C.P.A. 

     Her fourth level studies were carried out by the Technical University of Ambato, Master in Government Auditing and Management control. 


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