Dimensions associated with the level of citizen perception of the public services of the SENESCYT zone 6 Ecuador

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Jenner Fabián Rodríguez-Reinoso
Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade


SENESCYT is the Ecuadorian entity that governs public policies in Higher Education, which offers different face-to-face and virtual services that have generated positive and negative responses and opinions in users, so this research allows measuring the level of citizen perception. The SERVQUAL model was used, which consists of standardized questions; it measures service quality and user perception in five dimensions: tangible elements, service reliability, responsiveness, security, and empathy. A total of 82.99% of users rated the services as a high level of quality. It was found that the level of acceptance of SENESCYT's services is high, indicating that the strengths of this institution are infrastructure, design standards, and inclusion and publicity, characteristics that are within the tangible elements dimension of the SERVQUAL model.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Reinoso , J. ., & Ormaza-Andrade, J. . (2022). Dimensions associated with the level of citizen perception of the public services of the SENESCYT zone 6 Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 436-449. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.5-1.1517
Author Biographies

Jenner Fabián Rodríguez-Reinoso , Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Commercial Engineer, Zonal Financial Administrative Assistant in Zonal Coordination 6 SENESCYT, interested in the public sector with knowledge in the area of ​​public purchases in search of a specialization in said branch and with great interest in the domain of public sector systems. 

Jorge Edwin Ormaza-Andrade, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador


Business Engineer, Accountant, Auditor, Specialist in University Teaching, Master in Business Administration (MBA), Doctoral Candidate in the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences of the University of Zulia - Venezuela, Catholic University of Cuenca, Master in Business Administration with a mention in management and project management 


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