Local governance as a strategy for the implementation of public policies on citizen security

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Jorge Luis Aguilar-Macías
Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho


The research is based on an investigative purpose in which it was attempted to interpret the local governance process as a viable strategy for public policies on citizen security, supported by a qualitative and inductive approach, with a documentary review strategy that allowed a triangulation process between the theorists consulted, what was expressed by the key informants; as well as the criteria that were developed during the investigation. In turn, the research had a level of descriptive depth, which allowed delving into the root of the discourse and its meanings within the contexts in which they were expressed; as well as its substantive contribution within the new governance scheme and its strategies for the design of local public policies. The analysis strategies were based on the proposal by the so-called Grounded Theory, in the representative symbolization phase; In addition to making an approach to the discourse of the interviewees through the use of the hermeneutic method, which allowed the process of understanding, understanding and interpreting what was commented by the interviewees; As a finding, the emerging descriptors are shown, which are shown as good practices for local public administration: Governance for local public policies, public policies focused on citizen awareness and an indigenous model of public policy management by areas. Keywords: Local governance, public policies and citizen security


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How to Cite
Aguilar-Macías, J. ., & Miranda-Pichucho , F. . (2022). Local governance as a strategy for the implementation of public policies on citizen security. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 217-233. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.5-2.1508
Author Biographies

Jorge Luis Aguilar-Macías , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Jorge Luis Aguilar Macías was born in Ecuador, in the Province of Manabí in the city of Portoviejo. Current residence in the Province of Manabí in the city of Portoviejo. He has a third level degree as Lawyer of the Courts of the Republic of Ecuador. Since 2015 I have dedicated myself to working in the private sector, even holding positions such as legal assistant, legal director and general manager of the private company Hutoda Seguridad Cía. Ltda., a company that in turn is a provider of security services to various public institutions. This experience motivated the author to carry out this research to provide knowledge in public management for local governance as a strategy for the implementation of public policies on citizen security. 

Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho , Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Freddy Ramón Miranda Pichucho, was born in the Province of Cotopaxi in the City of Latacunga. PhD student in Organizational Sciences, from the Universities of the Andes Mérida-Venezuela. Master in Government and Public Management from the University of Valparaíso Chile. Master (e) in Finance from the University of the Armed Forces-ESPE. Commercial Engineer from the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí; Specialist in Curriculum Design by Competencies. Higher Diploma in Management. With more than 15 years of experience in the public sector, 10 years as a university professor mainly at the Technical University of Cotopaxi and currently as a professor in the Public Administration career at the Carchi State Polytechnic University and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador headquarters Manabí, in the Master of Public Administration. 



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