Institutional governance as a human talent management strategy in local governments. Case Study: GAD Junín (Province of Manabí)
Main Article Content
The research was proposed as a research purpose to interpret institutional governance as a strategy for the management of human talent in local governments from a qualitative and inductive approach, with a documentary review strategy in which a triangulation between the own criteria was subsequently given. s of the researchers, the theorists analyzed, as well as what was mentioned by the key informants in the interviews carried out; in turn, the research was located at a level of descriptive depth, which allowed to discover the virtues and componentes of the case study, as well as the origin of the discourse and its meanings within the contexts in which they were expressed; there is a contribution in a substantive way by the interviewees paying the knowledge in the field of go Institutional strategy and its strategies within local government, in which human talent plays an important role in the construction of its own institutionalized local governance. The analysis strategy was given from the proposal of the Grounded Theory; on the other hand, there is an encounter with the discourse of the interviewees through the use of the hermeneutic method, which contributed to the process of understanding, understanding and interpreting what was commented by the interviewees; as a finding is shown Tran the emerging descriptors, which are shown as good practices for a local government management, thought from its human talent: 1.- New values in the TTHH to achieve sustainability in governance; and 2.- New challenge of the TTHH: Governance local corporate.
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