Analysis of the influence of punitive populism on Ecuadorian criminal law
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The present research paper analyzes the influence of punitive populism on Ecuadorian criminal law from 2008 to the present. The manifestations of punitive populism have been reflected in a series of events, such as the popular consultation of 2011, which included questions to achieve the typification of the crime of unjust private enrichmentas an autonomous crime and the criminalization of non-affiliation to social insurance as a criminal offence. In 2014, the penal system was completely modified through the issuance of the Organic Integral Penal Code, which led to an increase in penalties and the typification of a greater number of crimes compared to the previous Criminal Code. In 2018, a referendum and popular consultation was held where again there were questions that had to do with criminal issues such as the imprescriptibility of some crimes. Finally, some consequences of the influence of punitive populism are considered, mainly the increase in the prison population based on figures from 2008 and comparing them with the most current ones. In this research, a qualitative method is used, a theoretical-doctrinal and critical analysis is carried out regarding the legislative technique and the way in which some criminal offenses have been typified in Ecuador.
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