Contributions of urban governance for the implementation of public policies on local roads.

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Richard Patricio Lara-Mendoza
Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho


The purpose of this research was to interpret the proposals of urban governance aimed at the formulation of public policies on local roads, it has a qualitative and inductive approach, for which a documentary review strategy was established in which it subsequently proceeded to give a triangulation between the revised theories, the researchers' own criteria, as well as what was narrated by the key informants in the semi-structured interviews carried out; In turn, the research was located at a descriptive level of depth, which allowed discovering the virtues and components of the case study, as well as the origin of the concepts and their meanings within the contexts in which they occurred. its genesis; a substantive way is given by the interviewees, strengthening knowledge on urban governance and its strategies for addressing public policies for local roads, in which citizens have a transcendental role in the foundation of an institutionalized urban governance. The analysis strategy was given from the proposal developed by the Grounded Theory; on the other hand, the opportunity to have a speech by the interviewees interpreted from hermeneutics, which helps in the process of understanding, understanding and interpreting the narrative of the experts interviewed; As a finding, two descriptors emerge which are provided as good practices for local government management: 1.- Collaborative local public policy and, 2.- Integrated urban governance.


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How to Cite
Lara-Mendoza, R. ., & Miranda-Pichucho, F. (2022). Contributions of urban governance for the implementation of public policies on local roads. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 167-182.
Author Biographies

Richard Patricio Lara-Mendoza, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Richard Patricio Lara Mendoza was born in Ecuador, in the Province of Manabí in the city of Portoviejo. He currently resides in the Province of Orellana in the city of Coca. He has a third level degree as Civil Engineer. In the private sector he has worked as Construction Resident, Construction Supervisor, Construction Superintendent and Construction Contractor. In the public sector he has served as Provincial Director of Orellana in the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works. Zonal Undersecretary 2 of the Provinces of Pichincha, Napo and Orellana in the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works. He is currently working as District Director of the Orellana Province in the Ministry of Transportation and Public Works. This experience motivated the author to conduct this research to contribute knowledge in public management for urban governance by implementing public policies on local roads. 

Freddy Ramón Miranda-Pichucho, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Freddy Ramón Miranda Pichucho, was born in the Province of Cotopaxi in the City of Latacunga. PhD student in Organizational Sciences, from the Universities of the Andes Mérida-Venezuela. Master in Government and Public Management from the University of Valparaíso Chile. Master (e) in Finance from the University of the Armed Forces-ESPE. Commercial Engineer from the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí; Specialist in Curriculum Design by Competencies. Higher Diploma in Management. With more than 15 years of experience in the public sector, 10 years as a university professor mainly at the Technical University of Cotopaxi and currently as a professor in the Public Administration career at the Carchi State Polytechnic University and the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador headquarters Manabí, in the Master of Public Administration. 


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