Integral marketing a management tool in popular and solidarity economy enterprises (EPS), Ecuador

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This research work was based on the characterization of consumer behavior with the purpose of applying integral marketing as an internal management tool in the enterprises that are part of the Popular and Solidarity Economy (EPS) in the city of Riobamba, country Ecuador. The implementation of this tool will allow these businesses to improve the efficient management of resources (Human, financial, material and technological) and decision making. Through a qualitative and quantitative analysis it was possible to determine the variables that allowed the development of the methodology that resulted in an objective definition of the integral marketing strategies that contribute to the positioning of these businesses, the products, an adequate management of the production costs and definition exact supply chain, contributing to be competitive in the market. For the data collection, previously validated surveys were applied through the Cronbach's Alpha, determining a significant coefficient that supports the reliability of the scale of measurement applied to the survey; then a statistical analysis was carried out through the application of the Ci square, with which it was found that there is a relationship between integral marketing and the strategies that these businesses must implement to improve their business management.


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How to Cite
Guerra, C. (2019). Integral marketing a management tool in popular and solidarity economy enterprises (EPS), Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(5-1), 137-149.
Author Biography

CRISTIAN OSWALDO GUERRA FLORES, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo

Foreign Trade Engineer, Transportation and International Commercial Logistics with an English Proficiency, Master in Business Management. Teacher from the year 2012 to the current date at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, Administrator Service Station ESPOCH Gasolinera Politécnica. General Manager - General Administrative Director.

Speaker at the Third Academic Conference of the School of Financial Engineering and Foreign Trade "The New Economic Model of Ecuador in the Productive, Financial and International Trade Context. Training for agricultural and livestock producers (Entrepreneurship and Marketing Plan of San Juan Parish) 120 hours. Trainer of the Program "MICRO-ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT WITH ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL INCLUSION OF ACTORS OF POPULAR AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY AND USERS OF THE MIES" with a total duration of 240 academic hours.

Certification honors for excellent performance as a teacher in the process of comprehensive evaluation in the period October 2016 - March 2017.

Author of books and scientific articles: Book Update of the Plan of Development and Territorial Planning of the San Juan Parish. (ISBN of the Work: 978-9942-14-806-3; No. Location: 72453)
Book Update of the Plan of Development and Territorial Ordering of the San Isidro de Patulú Parish. (ISBN of the Work: 978-9942-14-805-6; No. Location: 72451)
Book Update of the Plan of Development and Territorial Ordering of the Lican Parish. (ISBN of the Work: 978-9942-14-804-9; No. Location: 72447)
Procedure for the evaluation of suppliers and distributors in the milk supply chain of cattle. IV International Congress of Sciences, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2017 ESPOCH. ISBN: 978.9942-8611-6-0


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