Scale for the evaluation of visitor experiences in a shopping mall in Cali, Colombia

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Ana Milena Alvarez-Cano
Jose Luis Ronquillo-Horsten


This article presents the reliability and validity of a scale that evaluates the experiences of visitors to the shopping center in Cali - Colombia. The methodology is framed within a quantitative, descriptive and causal approach, through the application of the hypothetical-deductive method. The variables considered in the measurement scale were determined from a theoretical review and content validation. To collect the information, a personal survey was administered to a sample of 343 customers.  The validity and reliability of the scale was determined by Exploratory Factor Analysis, Cronbach's coefficient and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the scale shows high reliability and internal consistency since one factor explains 50% of the total accumulated variance and the total Cronbach's Alpha is 0.846. When the confirmatory model was applied, positive correlations were identified between the indicators and the variables and between the three variables. Therefore, the final scale consisted of three subscales and 23 items. 


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How to Cite
Alvarez-Cano, A. ., & Ronquillo-Horsten, J. . (2023). Scale for the evaluation of visitor experiences in a shopping mall in Cali, Colombia. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 8(3), 164-177.
Investigaciones /estudios empíricos
Author Biographies

Ana Milena Alvarez-Cano, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente - Colombia

Master in Business Administration.
Marketing Specialist. Business
administrator. Professor at the School
of Administrative Sciences,
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente.

Jose Luis Ronquillo-Horsten, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana - México

PhD in Occupational Health Sciences.
Master in Business Administration
Bachelor in Psychology.
Director of a Consulting and Training
Professor in international and national
universities in doctorate and master


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