New approaches in public management for smart institutional governance

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Mariuxi Marlene Solórzano-Calero
Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez


The purpose of the research has been to interpret the new approaches in public management for an intelligent institutional governance, having as a unit of study the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries (Ecuador); the design of the research is interpretive phenomenological type with a qualitative approach, of inductive dimension, with a level of descriptive depth,   being in turn of non-experimental field, the documentary review is proposed as a strategy for obtaining theoretical postulates, reports and stories narrated by key informants; in turn, the analysis strategy was based on the phases proposed by the Grounded Theory, in which the substantive codes, axial codes, substantive concepts are represented until reaching the central category; as well as the use of hermeneutic praxis (analytical-interpretative) in order to give interpretative form to the discourse expressed by the interviewees -academic experts and researchers- through an in-depth interview (semi-structured). Among the findings found is the category Public Management 4.0: Intelligent Institutional Governance, which is presented as a proposal for good public management praxis, which arose from the triangulation between the theory consulted, the discursive narrative of the key informants and the criteria of the researchers, giving space to symbolic interactionism. Among the main reflections is the need to incorporate institutional governance in public management as a practice of direct and committed citizen participation. 


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How to Cite
Solórzano-Calero, M. ., & Vegas-Meléndez, H. . (2022). New approaches in public management for smart institutional governance . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-2), 138-153.
Author Biographies

Mariuxi Marlene Solórzano-Calero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Mariuxi Solórzano Calero was born in Ecuador, in the city of Portoviejo. She has a third-level degree as Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador, she worked in several state institutions. She currently works as a civil servant in the Public Administration. This experience motivated the author to carry out this research to provide knowledge in public management for intelligent institutional governance. 

Hilarión José Vegas-Meléndez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador

Venezuelan, with a Graduate of 

Business Administration, Master of 

Political Science and Public 

administration, PhD in Administrative and 

Management Sciences, postdoctoral 

studies in Management and Public 

Policy. Teacher and Researcher at the 

Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, 

Manabí headquarters. Coordinator of the 

Master in Public Administration and 

Director of Research at PUCEM. 


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