Consumer behavior pharmacist in the context of covid-2019

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Carolina Belen Reyes-Mite
Keyli Lizbeth Armijos-Quichimbo
Karol Yessenia Luzuariaga-Guerrero


Confinement is one of the measures that the Ecuadorian government has declared a health emergency to prevent the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or also known as Covid-19, which has been reflected in consumer behavior. The purpose of this research is to analyze the behavior of the pharmaceutical consumer in the context of Covid-2019 in the city of Machala through quantitative research to establish the social, personal, psychological and cultural factors that intervened in the behavior of consumers in times of crisis and post-crisis. For this, a survey was applied to 83 people due to the short time that was available to carry out the investigation. It should be noted that the data was collected in the first week of August of this year. The results show that consumers behaved differently during the pandemic and post-pandemic period within the appearance of COVID-19, with 37.7% of the 53 people who indicated being infected. Behavioral factors can be an increase in the prices of various products, an increased demand for medicines, which allows companies to monitor market prices. Therefore, it can be concluded that several authors agree that the hypotheses can be contrasted and their acceptability tested accordingly, such as the Spearman coefficient test and the chi-square test. Taking into account that there are several factors that influence the level of consumption of pharmaceutical buyers, such as price, product quality, side effects after use, among others.


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How to Cite
Reyes-Mite, C. ., Armijos-Quichimbo , K. ., & Luzuariaga-Guerrero, K. . (2022). Consumer behavior pharmacist in the context of covid-2019. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(6-1), 131-143.
Author Biographies

Carolina Belen Reyes-Mite, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student at the Technical University of Machala in the Marketing career, currently graduating, participation in a research group at the same university, execution of academic-level technological projects. 

Keyli Lizbeth Armijos-Quichimbo , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Student at the Technical University of Machala in the Marketing career, currently graduating, participation in a research group at the same university, execution of academic-level technological projects. 

Karol Yessenia Luzuariaga-Guerrero, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

In the article, an investigation of the social, personal, psychological and cultural factors on the behavior of the pharmaceutical consumer in the context of Covid-2019 in the city of Machala is carried out. As a result of this research, it can be seen that there are several factors that influence the level of consumption of pharmaceutical buyers. This analysis can guide pharmaceutical companies on the strategies they can use to retain their customers. 


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