Kahoot! as a learning gamification tool: an experience with medical students
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The objective of this study was to analyze the perception of medical students regarding the use of Kahoot as a learning gamification tool. A quantitative, non-experimental cross-sectional study was carried out, which included a representative sample of 97 first-cycle students, of the Medicine career of the Catholic University of Cuenca [UCACUE]-Azogues Headquarters. To fulfill this task, a structured survey adjusted according to the local reality was applied. The instrument was structured in five categories: (1) commitment, (2) concentration, (3) motivation and competence, (4) learning, (5) fun and enjoyment. In order to guarantee the internal consistency of the instrument, it was submitted to expert judgment and validation by means of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, obtaining a reliability of 0.758. Among the main results, it was possible to show that students perceive Kahoot as a tool that keeps them motivated, committed, and that, accompanied by the competitive element, stimulates their individual and collaborative participation. Finally, it is concluded that the use of this type of gamification tools should be extended to other subjects to establish a better environment in the classroom and strengthen academic performance.
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