E-commerce: from the perspective of the client of the city of Pasaje

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Jhonny Gabriel Vega-Arteaga
Xavier Eduardo Ojeda-Gallegos
Alexandra Mónica Solórzano-González


The use of electronic commerce and the purchasing culture developed by technological advances have allowed this medium to be used as a marketing method for the acquisition of goods or services necessary to satisfy the needs of consumers in Pasaje city.  

Currently, the advancement of technology has opened the way for consumers to acquire a new behavior within this market, for this reason the interest of this present is focused on carrying out an investigation of the aspects, factors and elements that influence the customer when making purchases in micro-enterprises, through the quantitative-descriptive methodology which aims to characterize the object of study, for which online surveys were used as an instrument. Among the main results exposed by the tabulation of the surveys, the aspects that influence consumers when using electronic commerce as a means of buying are demonstrated, some of these aspects are comfort, affordable prices, real advertising and ease of use, to use of electronic means; in this way the consumer saves time and money.. 


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How to Cite
Vega-Arteaga , J. ., Ojeda-Gallegos, X., & Solórzano-González, A. (2022). E-commerce: from the perspective of the client of the city of Pasaje . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 66-77. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.5-3.1381
Author Biographies

Jhonny Gabriel Vega-Arteaga , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Born in the city of Machala, El Oro province, Ecuador. 


He is a graduate student of the Business Administration Engineering career at the Technical University of Machala. 


My experience in research has been strengthened over the years, with the help of projects of subjects corresponding to the chairs awarded by the professors of the career, in community service work and in connection with society. 

Xavier Eduardo Ojeda-Gallegos, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador

Born in the city of Machala, El Oro province, Ecuador. 


He is a graduate student of the Business Administration Engineering career at the Technical University of Machala. 


The experience gained in the research process was sublime, so it was possible to apply, consolidate the knowledge acquired during the academic period that was taught by each teacher according to their respective subject. 

Alexandra Mónica Solórzano-González, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Born in Machala-Ecuador 

Commercial Engineer in Business Administration. 

Master in business administration, university teaching and research at UTM. 

He is studying a Doctorate in economics, business and society at the University of Alicante. 

Professor of Entrepreneurship and technological innovation, strategic management and formulation and evaluation of projects at the Technical University of Machala from 1998 to the present. 


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