Family entrepreneurship as an axis of labor law in the province of Santa Elena - Ecuador.

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Eduardo Vinicio Pico-Gutiérrez
Lissette Esperanza Robles-Riera
María Carmen Loor-Solorzano


The objective of the research topic is to collect reliable information, regarding the creativity and innovation of entrepreneurial families in the complex context of the crisis generated since the covid-19 pandemic and the search for survival alternatives to generate income that covers the needs household basics, because they have the right. Family entrepreneurship has spread due to the needs and anguish of finding an economic activity that helps solve the economic and health crisis that the population has experienced due to the massive layoffs of workers, the closure of companies and businesses, which has prompted entrepreneurs to men and women heads of households, who were audited with a virtual survey methodology to collect pertinent information that facilitates the analysis of the results that describe the sacrifice, need, desperation and opportunity that the families of the selected sample raffled with what that the innovative capacity, the initiative, the suspicion to use technological means, digital marketing and social networks are demonstrated; as well as cars, motorcycles, tricycles, bicycles and more means to deliver products at home from their home-made and artisanal, semi-industrial, services and commercial businesses, among others that have allowed the peninsular community and the country to subsist, making respect their right to decent and honest work for their own well-being and that of their families.


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How to Cite
Pico-Gutiérrez, E., Robles-Riera, L., & Loor-Solorzano, M. (2022). Family entrepreneurship as an axis of labor law in the province of Santa Elena - Ecuador . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-3), 33-43.
Author Biographies

Eduardo Vinicio Pico-Gutiérrez , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Degree in Administrative Sciences, Master in Educational Management, Master in Marketing and Business Administration, 30 years of teaching, currently associate professor at the Santa Elena Peninsula State University. 

Lissette Esperanza Robles-Riera , Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena - Ecuador

Lawyer from the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, Master in Constitutional Law, former Principal Member of the Cantonal Board for the Protection of Rights of the Canton of La Libertad, currently Full-time Professor at the Universidad Península de Santa Elena – Law School. 

María Carmen Loor-Solorzano, Unidad Educativa Muey - Ecuador

Commercial Engineer, Master in Marketing and Business Administration, teacher with two years of experience, currently teacher at the Muey Educational Unit (Santa Elena-Salinas) 


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