Factors influencing local venture cycles.

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Cesia Carlota Menéndez-Barrezueta
Oscar Iván Cerón-Tatac


Entrepreneurial activity in Ecuador has stood out notoriously in recent years, both in urban and rural areas, carried out by men and women of different ages and academic backgrounds, in various productive sectors; which denotes the contribution to the socioeconomic development of local entrepreneurship.

In this context, the objective of the study consisted of analyzing the factors that influence the cycles of Ecuadorian entrepreneurship, based on the documentary review of the report of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2020 survey and the application of the interview to local entrepreneurial experts; having as results the identification of 9 factors in the literature review such as: financing for entrepreneurs; government policies; government programs; education in entrepreneurship; transfer of research and development; commercial and legal infrastructure; internal market; physical infrastructure and social and cultural norms; as well as the factors of motivation, professional advice, the ability to adapt, the business idea; the ecosystem in which it is developed; innovation capacity; human capital; initial investment; financial muscle; marketing and product positioning.

It is concluded that there are several factors that influence the phases of entrepreneurship, being very important the ability to adapt or entrepreneurial resilience, which arises when the venture has been launched and the ups and downs that require immediate action to keep the business operational begin to appear.   

Key words: entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurship ecosystem, entrepreneur, motivation, innovation.


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How to Cite
Menéndez-Barrezueta, C., & Cerón-Tatac, O. (2022). Factors influencing local venture cycles . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 543-562. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.4-2.1326
Author Biographies

Cesia Carlota Menéndez-Barrezueta, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - Ecuador


Accounting and Auditing Engineer - CPA. 

Master's Degree in Business Administration with mention in quality and productivity - PUCE Sede Manabí. 

13 years of experience in the administrative and financial field of investment projects. 

Oscar Iván Cerón-Tatac , Pontificia Univesidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Manabí - Ecuador


Engineer in business administration 

Master in local community development management 

Doctorate in Business Administration 

Research Professor of the Business Administration career of the PUCE Sede Manabí 

Coordinator of the Business Administration and International Business careers of the PUCE Sede Manabí 


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