Analysis of associative human development credit in the south of the Ecuador.

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Eulalia Salas
Viviana del Cisne Espinoza Loaiza
Reinaldo Armas-Herrera
Miguel Ángel Peñarreta


The objective of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the associative human development credit (CDHA), taking as an analysis variable the satisfaction of the beneficiaries with respect to this social policy.  To carry out this research, a structured survey was applied to a total of 209 women beneficiaries of the CDHA located in 52 neighborhoods that belong to the rural area of the city of Loja. Through a Probit model, it was possible to determine that at a higher level of education, the probability of presenting a greater degree of satisfaction increases. The same happens with divorced women, who have a better probability of having more satisfaction than those of unmarried civil status. The other demographic variables don’t explain the degree of satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Salas, E., Espinoza, V., Armas, R., & Peñaherreta, M. (2019). Analysis of associative human development credit in the south of the Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 4(5-1), 19-28.
IV Encuentro Nacional de Finanzas Fintech y Cooperativismo


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