Fundamental rights, state of emergency and progressive use of force. An approach to political and jurisdictional controls in the constitutional State

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Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez


This research collects dogmatic, normative, and jurisprudential contributions related to progressive use of public force, the protection of fundamental rights, and declaration states of exception as a prerogative of the States. It focuses on determining the nature and characteristics of these institutions, as well as developing, from theory and practice, regarding the different types of controls and limits related for political and jurisdictional; for this aspect, it examined Judgment No. 33-20 IN/21 of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court, which, through the exercise of constitutional control, declared unconstitutionality due to the form and substance regarding regulations issued by the Ministry in charge of the Armed Forces, since these establish restrictions on fundamental rights by authorizing the progressive use of force during states of exception, in that sense, according to the nature, scope, powers and limitations that States have for the use of force during states of emergency, discussing the dichotomy between, on the one hand, legitimately addressing critical social situations, and on the other, the abuse of power by the State and the consequent violation of rights; therefore, it is proposed to answer the following research question: If the main doctrinal, normative and jurisprudential contributions that show limits and controls to the State regarding the use of public force within states of exception, are observed and respected by the framework institutional at Equator country?


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How to Cite
Mosquera-Narváez , G. (2022). Fundamental rights, state of emergency and progressive use of force.: An approach to political and jurisdictional controls in the constitutional State. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(5-1), 388-404.
Author Biography

Germán Alberto Mosquera-Narváez , Universidad Indoamérica - Ecuador

Lawyer from the Republic of Ecuador, Master in International Sciences from the Central University of Ecuador, and Master in Constitutional Law from Indoamerica University 



Teacher of Constitucional Law. 


Laboral expiroence en Environmental Law. 


Co autor of various studies relationship human rights, constitución, power, democracia, environment and law 


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