The potato and its consumption after the pandemic in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador

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Daniel Alejandro Lombeida-Burbano
Cristian Oswaldo Guerra-Flores
Jorge Antonio Vasco-Vasco
Paula Carolina Endara-Garces


In the city of Riobamba, information was obtained on the purchasing trend before and after the pandemic caused by Covid-19, which affected both the consuming and producing sectors. An exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory research was developed, where qualitative and quantitative elements were integrated in correspondence with current trends in the country. The stratified sampling that was used served to symbolize the study population. The results revealed that purchases of agricultural products, especially potatoes, decreased, due to the pandemic, as is known, the restrictions and security measures were strict at first, over time they adapted to consumers and the way How did they do their shopping. Most of the inhabitants of the city of Riobamba used their own car to purchase products, the same one that decreased in its use due to this time, on the other hand, data was acquired on the variety of potatoes that are consumed, highlighting in consumers the potato chola. Undoubtedly, these data will help producers to know the market dynamics for the commercialization of this tuber and to plan for its production. 


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How to Cite
Lombeida-Burbano, D., Guerra-Flores , C., Vasco-Vasco, J., & Endara-Garces, P. (2022). The potato and its consumption after the pandemic in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5-1), 64-74.
Author Biographies

Daniel Alejandro Lombeida-Burbano, Grupo de Investigaciòn INNOVA MKT - Ecuador


He was born in the city of Quito on February 27, 1997. He currently resides in the city of Riobamba. Degree in marketing. He has conducted research on the analysis of the post-pandemic potato purchase trend in the city of Riobamba. Through research he has developed a focus on his interests in lines of research such as: purchase frequency, consumer behavior, among others.  

Cristian Oswaldo Guerra-Flores , Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Free and of good morals, Engineer in Foreign Trade mention Transport and International Commercial Logistics with a Sufficiency of the English Language, master’s in business management. Professor at the National University of Chimborazo and the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, he has served as General Manager and General Administrative Director in public and private companies. Speaker at national and international conferences and publication of scientific articles in impact journals. Trainer in strategic sectors such as agriculture and livestock. Coordinator of Linkage projects with the Community to strengthen the Popular and Solidarity Economy and Vulnerable Sectors through training and technical assistance to the different micro and small business entrepreneurs in Ecuador; As a research teacher, he is the author of several books on topics such as: public planning, strategic planning, education, and entrepreneurship. 

Jorge Antonio Vasco-Vasco, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Engineer in banking and finance, graduate in higher accounting and auditing C.P.A., master’s in business management, Master in psychology, mention human behavior and organizational development. University teacher, trainer, NLP coach, licensed master practitioner in neuro-linguistic programming, specialist in skill development and presentations with neuro-linguistic programming. licensed trainer in NLP. He has carried out continuous improvement research in the quality of customer service in the hotel sector of the city of Riobamba. Through research, he has developed an approach that is part of his professional interests and lines of research such as: neurolinguistics, neuromarketing, consumer neuroscience, among others. 

Paula Carolina Endara-Garces, Grupo de Investigaciòn INNOVA MKT - Ecuador


Born in the city of Ambato on March 30, 1999. He currently resides in the city of Ambato. She has a degree in Marketing. Real Estate Advisor, Trainer in Digital Marketing for Real Estate Brokerage. She has carried out research on Semiotics in Quinoa Advertising by the Ecuadorian Government, lines of research Digital Marketing. 


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