Consumption of tubers in Ecuador and your purchase decision

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Cristian Oswaldo Guerra-Flores
Olga Maritza Rodríguez-Ulcuango
María Slusarczyk-Antosz
Jefferson Stalin Ulcuango-Navas


With the investigation, a study of consumer behavior and their purchase decision regarding tubers and their derivatives was carried out, to promote production and marketing strategies that strengthen the agricultural sector and its projection in the market. Likewise, within the methodological design, a qualitative and quantitative research approach was used, an exploratory and descriptive research level. For the analysis of the phases of the purchase decision process, a survey was applied, based on the model of consumer decision-making, which is oriented to the psychological field of the individual. In the same way, an exploratory analysis was carried out in the city's supermarkets, to qualify and improve the different aspects to improve the purchasing scenario for the consumer. The data have been interpreted showing the following as the most relevant factors in the purchase decision: quality, trust, and price, in addition, the need to improve the methodology to report the benefits of consuming the tubers to motivate production was observed. For this reason, the study is aimed at increasing the consumption of tubers and their derivatives in end customers, as well as improving the internal environment of supermarkets to raise the level of satisfaction and purchase decision making, generating data that is of use to the producer; The variables of this work must be taken into consideration to increase the production and consumption of tubers in the city and the country.  


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How to Cite
Guerra-Flores, C., Rodríguez-Ulcuango, O., Slusarczyk-Antosz, M., & Ulcuango-Navas, J. (2022). Consumption of tubers in Ecuador and your purchase decision. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(5), 44-57.
Author Biographies

Cristian Oswaldo Guerra-Flores, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Free and of good morals, Engineer in Foreign Trade mention Transport and International Commercial Logistics with a Sufficiency of the English Language, master’s in business management. Professor at the National University of Chimborazo and the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, he has served as General Manager and General Administrative Director in public and private companies. Speaker at national and international conferences and publication of scientific articles in impact journals. Trainer in strategic sectors such as agriculture and livestock. Coordinator of Linkage projects with the Community to strengthen the Popular and Solidarity Economy and Vulnerable Sectors through training and technical assistance to the different micro and small business entrepreneurs in Ecuador; As a research teacher, he is the author of several books on topics such as: public planning, strategic planning, education, and entrepreneurship.

Olga Maritza Rodríguez-Ulcuango, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Business Engineer, master’s in financial administration and International Trade. Professional career in the field of Administration of micro-enterprises and financial advice; from teaching, teaching chairs in administrative sciences. She is part of research and connection projects, aimed at solving social problems where scientific articles were generated in indexed journals and relevant works. She currently coordinates the ESPOCH Finance Career

María Slusarczyk-Antosz, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Born in Poland, where she studied Civil Engineering at the Krakow Polytechnic. She subsequently completed master's degrees in Applied Informatics and in Educational Management and Leadership. In 2017 she obtained a Doctorate in Economic Sciences from the University of Havana. She is the author of two books and several scientific articles published in indexed journals. She is currently a full professor at the Polytechnic Higher School of Chimborazo in Riobamba - Ecuador. 

Jefferson Stalin Ulcuango-Navas, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo - Ecuador


Engineer in Accounting and Auditing CPA at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. With more than 6 years of experience in the administration of public service programs and social assistance projects; He is currently collaborating in the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security where he performs functions as head of the Affiliation and Technical Control Unit of the province of Pastaza. 


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