Establish the relationship between the coexistence and practice of values in eighth-grade students of the Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar Educational Unit in Guayaquil, 2020

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Rosario del Rocío Zambrano-Torres
María José Villavicencio-Zambrano 
Carlos Enrique Villavicencio-Zambrano
Estelita de los Milagros Castillo-Girón


The objective of this research project was to establish the relationship between the coexistence and practice of values in eighth-grade students of the Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar Educational Unit in Guayaquil, 2020. The type of research applied according to its application was basic, due to the foundation and enrichment of scientific knowledge, due to its character, the study was correlational, by measuring the influence of one variable on the other. By nature, a quantitative process was applied to obtain statistical results, according to its cross-sectional scope based on evidence and the non-experimental design. According to the results obtained in the verification of the general objective in the Spearman correlation, a value of 0.890 ** was detected, which compared to the criteria of scales, showed a significant and very high correlation between the variables. On the other hand, in the evaluation of the significance level, 0.000 was obtained, which, being less than 0.05, rejected the H₀, checking the general hypothesis. In conclusion, in the descriptive statistics it was observed in table # 4 and figure # 1, that the majority value was for the average category with 41.8% (19), secondly to the good category with 36% (16) This shows that it exists at an average level of school coexistence. In table # 5 and figure # 2, check the result of the practical variable of values in which the highest value was obtained for the good category with 55.7% (25) and the average category with 20, 1 % (9). Proving that the practice of values occurs at a good level in the institution.  


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How to Cite
Zambrano-Torres, R. del R., Villavicencio-Zambrano , M. J. ., Villavicencio-Zambrano , C. E., & Castillo-Girón, E. de los M. (2022). Establish the relationship between the coexistence and practice of values in eighth-grade students of the Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar Educational Unit in Guayaquil, 2020. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(4-2), 60-74.
Author Biographies

Rosario del Rocío Zambrano-Torres, Universidad César Vallejo-Perú


Masters in educational  psychology from the Cesar Vallejo University of Piura / Peru 

Pedagogical Technologist from the University of Guayaquil / Ecuador 

Degree in Educational Sciences Mention Foreign Trade from the State University of Guayaquil- Ecuador. 

High School Teacher of the UEF "Amarilis  Fuentes Alcívar" Accounting Technical Area  

High School Teacher at the Educational Unit "Amarilis Fuentes Alcívar" Accounting Technical Area. 

María José Villavicencio-Zambrano , Universidad Cesar Vallejo de Piura-Perù


Master in Educational Psychology from the Cesar Vallejo University of Piura / Peru 

Pedagogical Technologist from the State University of Guayaquil / Ecuador 

Degree in Educational Sciences with a Mention in Arts from the State University of Guayaquil- Ecuador. 

Teacher of Artistic Education of High School in the Fiscal Educational Unit ¨Replica Aguirre Abad¨ 

 Area Director 

Participation in intercollegiate 

Participant of the Outdoor Arts Festival (FAAL 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017-2018) 

Interdistrict Choir Project. 

Teacher of Artistic Education of Basic Middle and Baccalaureate in the Fiscal Educational Unit ¨Leonardo Maldonado Pérez¨ 

Carlos Enrique Villavicencio-Zambrano , Universidad Cesar Vallejo Piura-Perú 


Bachelor of Musical Arts from the Antonina Nezhdanova Higher Conservatory of Music 

 Bachelor of Fine Arts, specialty lyrical singing in Одеська національна музична академія імені А В Нежданової 

Studied Russian Language at National Mechnikov University  

He studied at the Antonio Neuman National Conservatory of Music. 

 Assistant of the Sound and Music Production Career in the dept. Link with the Community in ITAE Guayaquil 

 Teacher at State University of Guayaquil 

Teacher at Antonio Neuman Conservatory group members in Guayaquil Consort Ensemble 

Vocal coach at "Manzano" Conservatory 

 Professor of Vocal Technique at Borkis Entertainment 

 Master in Educational Psychology from the Cesar Vallejo University Piura -Peru

Estelita de los Milagros Castillo-Girón, Universidad Cesar Vallejo Piura-Perú 

castillo.jpg 0000-0002-9867-4083

Master in Educational Psychology from the Cesar Vallejo University of Piura – Peru 

- Second specialty in Psychopedagogy at the National University of Piura - Peru 

- Degree in the specialty of Language and Literature from the National University of Piura - Peru 

 - Bachelor of Education from the National University of Piura - Peru 


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