The digital marketing of tourism businesses and enterprises in Ecuador a review of the state of the art

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Luis Andrés Jati-Morales
Jairo Damián Salazar-Freire
Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López


This research article reflects a review of the state of the art about digital marketing of tourism businesses and ventures in Ecuador, in order to understand its importance and influence on business, through a scientific bibliographic review through digital platforms such as Scopus, Latindex, Scielo and Web of Science with established limits such as digital marketing, business, entrepreneurship, tourism, Ecuador. A descriptive investigation was applied. In addition, we proceeded to identify the study topic, document selection, information extraction, interpretation of the data obtained, classification of studies and presentation of the results. As results, 13 articles were obtained for analysis and answering of the research questions posed. Finally, it was concluded with the importance that reflects this type of research related to digital marketing in the tourism sector in Ecuador and the inclination of researchers who carry out this type of reviews. 


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How to Cite
Jati-Morales, L. A., Salazar-Freire, J. D., & Ballesteros-López, L. G. (2022). The digital marketing of tourism businesses and enterprises in Ecuador a review of the state of the art . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 596-605.
Author Biographies

Luis Andrés Jati-Morales, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador



Student of the Technical University of Ambato of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, pre-professional practices carried out in Codelitesa S.A in Mi Caserita Supermarkets in the administrative area, training in the Illustrious municipality of Ambato in the area of ​​Marketing and Sales, customer service and in communication psychology. 

Jairo Damián Salazar-Freire, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador



Student of the Technical University of Ambato of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, pre-professional internships carried out in the same institution in the general library in the area of ​​marketing and customer service, courses taken: Activate your business project as a technical advisor, business academic event "Quality of services", International Congress "Business Management", I am currently a graduate of the Marketing and Business Management career. 

Leonardo Gabriel Ballesteros-López, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador


Master in Strategic Business Management M.B.A. from the Technical University of Ambato, Commercial Engineer and Bachelor of Administrative Sciences Administrator in Marketing from the Technical University of Ambato. Consultant and Business Advisor, General Manager of the Company Comprehensive Training in Organizational Resources (CIRORESOURCES); He has been teaching since 2001, at the Technical University of Ambato, Faculty of Administrative Sciences; The lines of research that he addresses in his work are: Marketing, Advertising and Promotion; Political Marketing, Skills and Management Competencies.  

This article, form belongs to the DIDE research project “Impact of digital marketing on the 

reactivation of tourism in the province of Tungurahua post covid-19 ”, approved by Resolution No. UTA-CONIN- 2020-0322-R and coordinated by Eng. MBA. Leonardo Ballesteros. 


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