Technological tools to develop comprehensive reading in children in the seventh year of Intercultural Bilingual Education
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This article aims to apply the different technological tools through various applications to improve and develop comprehensive reading in children in the seventh year of Intercultural Bilingual Education. This research was carried out in an experimental, mixed type that used the observation sheet for students to determine the importance of applying the Liveworksheets platform in the development of comprehensive reading in order to motivate and practice the reading habitat in the educational institution. both in the family. In this way, it is identified the students are interested in developing reading using this platform. Therefore, these resources are essential for teachers as well as students because they allow to dynamize the learning process, facilitating the work for teachers as well as for students because it helps to avoid using many printed texts since they are applied in digital files. For which teachers must propose new methodological strategies in the use of different technological resources and be predisposed in the application.
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