Due process and its violation in the direct procedure provided for in Ecuadorian legislation

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Bolívar Guillermo Morales-Nivelo
Juan Ignacio Pérez-Curci
Ricardo Agustín Alarcón-Vélez


In this article we are going to analyze the violations that exist to the due process, when applying the direct procedure determined in the Organic Comprehensive Criminal Code in article 640, reflecting for this on the guarantees provided in the Constitution, the Law, the International Treaties and Conventions. , and the objective proposed in the present study is to determine the violation of due process when applying the direct procedure in our Ecuadorian legislation, consequently referring to the time that the accused is granted to be able to exercise his defense in a correct way and count with the impartiality of the administrators of justice. Well, the methodology applied was of a bibliographic-documentary type, with a descriptive scope, since the criteria of several authors of books, scientific, national and international journals were used, specifically on the violation of the guarantees of due process at the time of applying the direct procedure. The inductive-deductive method was also used, just as the historical method was applied in the revision of regulations, doctrine and jurisprudence to develop scientific research.


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How to Cite
Morales-Nivelo, B., Pérez-Curci, J., & Alarcón-Vélez, R. (2022). Due process and its violation in the direct procedure provided for in Ecuadorian legislation. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(3-2), 265-277. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2022.3-2.1180
Author Biographies

Bolívar Guillermo Morales-Nivelo, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador



I have 10 years of professional practice, I have worked in different public institutions, such as the Council of the Judiciary, Public Defender's Office and the IESS, as well as in the free exercise of the Profession.


I am a Lawyer of the Courts of Justice and the Republic and I have a degree in Political and Social Sciences.

Juan Ignacio Pérez-Curci, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador



Judge of the Federal Chamber of Appeals of Mendoza. Currently president. Professor at several universities in Argentina in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Active teacher in different Latin American universities in postgraduate studies. Author of several legal works, among which the following stand out: Book "The sentence: evaluation and exclusion of evidence, argumentation". Continental Legal Ed. Book “The fundamental right of Access to Justice”, Editorial Universidad del Aconcagua, Mendoza, Argentina.

Ricardo Agustín Alarcón-Vélez, Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador



Doctor of Jurisprudence and Lawyer of the Courts of Justice of Ecuador; Magister in Administrative Law and Constitutional Law, experience in the public sphere as Municipal Trustee Attorney, Property Registrar, and legal advisor to public companies, participate in Consulting teams, in the educational field I am currently a teacher at the Catholic University of Cuenca Extension La Troncal, and I am a co-participant in legal scientific publications on Gender Violence, Teleworking, Informed Consent, criminal omission, regulation of Psychotropic substances, and Rights of the Investigated.


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