Protection of the right to disconnect from work in Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic

Main Article Content

Silvana del Rocío Carrillo-Guananga
Yanet Nápoles-Nápoles


This article entitled "Protection of the right to disconnection from work in Ecuador during the COVID-19 Pandemic", sought to analyze how the Ecuadorian legal system guarantees the teleworking public servant compliance with the right to disconnection. At first glance, it can be inferred that due to the excessive use of new information and communication technologies (ICT) during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have had a lot of interference in the private lives of their workers. This has led to alterations in family and social relationships, since in most cases teleworkers do not have the recovery and rest times to which they are entitled. Therefore, the development of this research is of great importance in which a current and relevant topic in the labor legal field is analyzed. The main points of analysis were: 1- Origin and evolution of the work; 2- Concept of teleworking; 3-Elements of teleworking; 4- Teleworking in Ecuadorian legislation; 5- The maximum working day; 6- Right to disconnect and 7. Right to disconnect from work around the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador. The methodology used was qualitative, which allowed, through the bibliographic review and observation, to capture the essential qualities and characteristics of the phenomenon for a better understanding of the subject.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Carrillo-Guananga, S., & Nápoles-Nápoles, Y. (2022). Protection of the right to disconnect from work in Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(3-2), 405-417.
Author Biographies

Silvana del Rocío Carrillo-Guananga, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Tribunals and Courts of the Republic of Ecuador, Mention in Civil and Procedural Law



 International Diploma in Political Science, Public Administration and Territorial Governance; International Summit on Communicational Political Science and Governance.


Process Assistant – Metropolitan Public Works Company; Legal Analyst - Ombudsman, Process Supervisor - Legal Analyst - Legal Management Metropolitan Public Company for Mobility and Public Works

Yanet Nápoles-Nápoles, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Law degree

Magister in Constitutional Law

Diploma in Business Management (GESTA 2010)

Diploma in University Teaching and Research (CIFE 2020)



-A look at fundamental rights from the perspective of the Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008, Chapter of the book "Rights in the Ecuadorian Constitution of

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-Theoretical notes about economic rights,

social and cultural rights and the right to social security,

Chapter of the book "Notes of the Ecuadorian legal reality:

rights, justice and enforceability ”, Editorial CEP, Quito,

Ecuador, 2021, ISBN: 978-9942-10-647-6.


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Knowledge (CISFOR-2019. Mexico: CIFE).

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Scientific research, in the Law degree, through formative action research. Ecocience, 1 (2), 1-21.

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