Waste reduction through the implementation of lean manufacturing tools (Continuous Improvement)
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The purpose of this research is to implement lean manufacturing tools such as the phases of Lean Six Sigma that are (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) to reduce the waste generated and the variation in the number of cycles counts of rolls of components in the production process in the area of SMT (Surface Mount Technology). In the study, a sample of rolls of the D1BA and D0GA models with different nomenclatures was selected with the help of a manual scaler to take measurements considering some specifications, such as the thickness of the component, thickness of the plastic of the roll, distance between each component, inner and outer radius. Tasks were attended to meet the needs of internal/external customers to define standards, document, and update Safety, Quality and Shipping Cost (SQDC) metric programs, Document evidence, audit implementations of improvements made from 5S's methodologies, Kaizen and track progress to measure engagement and financial impact through performance charts for continuous improvement and detection of waste and standardization of work. The result allowed to assess the metrics of the project for the economic performance (Yield) before the intervention was 97% and the continuous improvement allowed to obtain 99.3% improvement, thus fulfilling the goal of 99%, with respect to the measurement of the Equipment effectiveness of the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) before the intervention 70% and after the improvement 87% with the goal achieved of 85%. Likewise, this represents a profit in the operation of 18.5% considering that before the intervention there was 10.50%, fulfilling the goal of 15%.
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