Advertising investment and return on sales Is there growth in the Ecuadorian beer market?

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Grecia Elizabeth Tapia-Yupa
Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes


The Ecuadorian beer sector is of an industrial and artisanal nature that has been affected by the Covid-19 health crisis. This has affected sales, since the consumption of alcoholic beverages has been restricted in order to protect the immune system. As a result, advertising in this sector is normally discreet in terms of consumption. Thus, it was analyzed whether there is growth in sales as a function of advertising investment within the beer sector. A linear regression model was used to determine the level of significance in terms of the correlation of the variables and the forecast for the next year. The study sample consisted of five companies selected according to their registration with the Superintendence of Companies, Securities and Insurance for the years 2016 to 2020. The results showed that there is a highly significant relationship between the study variables, which denote a level of direct dependence of income on promotion and advertising. Thus, it is concluded that the beer sector has a close link with promotion and advertising for the return on sales and the forecast for 2021 showed growth in both variables.


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How to Cite
Tapia-Yupa, G. E. ., & Moreno-Gavilanes, K. A. (2022). Advertising investment and return on sales Is there growth in the Ecuadorian beer market? . 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4-1), 487-498.
Author Biographies

Grecia Elizabeth Tapia-Yupa, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador


High performance student at the Technical University of Ambato Faculty of Administrative Sciences. He currently works as Head of Reception at the Hotel Ambato - Comisersa performing customer service and attention functions, with a working time of six years. She also worked in the Marketing and Sales position. Additionally, she is in charge of the Collections department of the same company.

Klever Armando Moreno-Gavilanes, Universidad Técnica de Ambato-Ecuador


Doctor in Business Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Spain). He has fourth-level academic degrees of Master's Degree in Curricular Design and Educational Evaluation (Ecuador), Master's Degree in Business Financial Management (Ecuador), and Master's Degree in Business Organization (Spain). Within the third level academic degree, he is a Business Engineer and a Bachelor of Administrative Sciences from the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). Related to his teaching experience, he has directed Postgraduate Modules in several universities in the central area of ​​Ecuador. He was Director of Research Projects at the Technical University of Ambato. Currently, he is a full-time professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato (Ecuador). As part of his professional experience, he has served as Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Coordinator of the Marketing and Business Management Career at the Technical University of Ambato. He is currently a substitute member of the Council for Higher Education (CES).


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