Financial sustainability for the unification of a municipality directorate and a public company. Case: Mobility of Manta EP

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Hernán Vladimir Salcedo-Loor
Johanna Melissa Aguayo-Joza


The pandemic has developed delimiting approaches in vulnerable aspects for the sustenance to be carried in a certain period of time, taking decisions to consequences of financial decisions, taking advantage of the synergy of the study and mutual benefit, under the perception of the objective of the cause-effect analysis and factors that prioritize the time limit of payment, determines the descriptive scope and the purpose of reaching the facts in a certain context, in the Cooperative of Savings and Credit OSCUS Ltda., for which a questionnaire was applied to the cardholders as well as to a sample of 187 members of the Cooperative, therefore, the incidence of the pandemic of COVID 19 and the descriptive strategies in the evaluation of needs and the process of integral information that contributed to a forceful approach for the relationship with the members were analyzed. Likewise, a bibliographic review was carried out that favored the analysis of the factors and the correspondence of the users with the institution's credit cards.


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How to Cite
Salcedo-Loor, H., & Aguayo-Joza, J. (2022). Financial sustainability for the unification of a municipality directorate and a public company. Case: Mobility of Manta EP. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 7(3-1), 88-107.
Author Biographies

Hernán Vladimir Salcedo-Loor, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Author of the process reengineering of the Driving School of the Union of Professional Drivers of Tarqui and leader of the accreditation of ISO 9001 and 39001 standards. Currently councilor of the GADM-Manta, president of the Permanent Commissions of Transit, Tourism, Legal. Commercial Engineer, Master in Project Management and Master in Traffic and Mobility.

Johanna Melissa Aguayo-Joza, Universidad Técnica de Manabí - Ecuador


Doctor in Accounting and Finance from the University of Havana. Master in Taxation from the Polytechnic School of the Litoral ESPOL-Ecuador. Master in Research and Project Research from the Technical University of Manabí UTM-Ecuador. With initial training as a CPA Authorized Public Accountant and a Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing from the Technical University of Manabí UTM-Ecuador, her lines of research include Accounting and Finance, Taxation, Management Accounting, Government Financial Administration, Auditing, among others. She was Tax Audit of the Internal Revenue Service SRI, Member of the Editorial Committee of the Specialized Magazine ECA Sinergia of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences FCAE-UTM-Ecuador, currently she is a Member of the Evaluation Committee of the aforementioned Magazine; she and she, Full-time Principal Professor at the Technical University of Manabí UTM-Ecuador, teaching the Tax Management Subject.



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