Digital tools as a complement to English language learning: a literature review

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María Lourdes Bernedo-Soto
Tony Angel Murillo-Ticona


Nowadays, digital tools play a very important role in the development of the contemporary edu-cational process, which is why both teachers and students have strengthened their digital compe-tences, making the learning process much more meaningful, especially in the acquisition of a for-eign language such as English.
This systematic review work aims to demonstrate the positive impact of digital tools as a com-plement to meaningful learning in English language acquisition, for this purpose a review of the scientific literature from 2018 to 2021 has been developed, as well as considering the databases that consider issues in relation to the approached, being mostly two of the most relevant for the research such as EBSCO Host as well as ERIC.
The results describe the direct relationship between the use of digital tools and the development of skills that allow an effective acquisition of the English language, so it is concluded that the use of these tools is a task that should be disseminated and encouraged by educational institu-tions that are in charge of students in the process of learning foreign languages such as English.


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How to Cite
Bernedo-Soto, M., & Murillo-Ticona, T. (2022). Digital tools as a complement to English language learning: a literature review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4), 70-86.
Author Biographies

María Lourdes Bernedo-Soto, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


English language teacher.

Bachelor's degree in education, specialising in English.

Master in Educational Psychology.

PhD candidate in education.

Twenty years of teaching experience in elementary education and High Performance school and university teaching experience.

Current teacher at the Language Centre of the National University of Moquegua and the José Carlos Mariátegui University.

Teacher at the IEE "Simón Bolívar" - Moquegua.

Tony Angel Murillo-Ticona, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


Dental Surgeon.

Master in Health Services Management.

Second speciality in Teaching English as a foreign language.

PhD Candidate in Education

Ten years of experience as an English teacher in different university educational institutions, as well as language centres.

Current teacher at the Language Centre of the National University of Moquegua.


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