Reseach about the use of financial tools in microenterprises in Santa Rosa city

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Paula Gabriela Vite-Medina
Joselyn Anahis Benalcazar-Cagua
Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo
Andres Marcelo Pacheco-Molina


This study focuses on the use of financial tools in microenterprises in Santa Rosa city, where the objective is to study the use of financial tools in microenterprises in Santa Rosa city, through literature review and other primary and secondary sources; determining which are the most widely used financial tools among microenterprises and establishing the knowledge needs of financial tools for better management of microenterprises. The kind of research of the study is descriptive and bibliographic in which information was acquired from printed material, scientific articles, books and other resources. The applied research method is the logical-inductive one, where a representative sample of the universe of study is taken to generate necessary information in relation to the financial tools used in micro-enterprises, which revealed interesting data about the management of these financial tools, such as the Balance Sheet, Income Statement or Financial Indicators, for correct decision making. 


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How to Cite
Vite-Medina, P., Benalcazar-Cagua, J. ., Ollague-Valarezo, J. ., & Pacheco-Molina, A. . (2022). Reseach about the use of financial tools in microenterprises in Santa Rosa city. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(2), 366-379.
Author Biographies

Paula Gabriela Vite-Medina , Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Graduated from the Business Administration career at the Technical University of Machala, proactive, responsible and with a genuine interest in scientific research especially related to the financial and accounting fields of local micro and small companies. 

Joselyn Anahis Benalcazar-Cagua, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Graduated from the Business Administration career at the Technical University of Machala, responsible, committed to teamwork, focused on the efficiency of financial tools and their correct management for micro and medium-sized companies in the environment, in order to improve financial and business management

Jose Kennedy Ollague-Valarezo, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Professional and academic description: 

Professor at the Technical University of Machala. 

Doctor (PhD) in Administrative Sciences, Master in International Business, Diploma in Financial Management, Higher Diploma in University Teaching, Higher Diploma in International Economics, Higher Diploma in Ecuadorian and World Economics, Higher Diploma in International Business Management, Diploma in Development Territorial, Diploma of Specialization in Economics, Diploma of Specialization in Public Relations, Commercial Engineer, Graduate in Business Administration. Public accountant. 


Work experience: 

Banco Continental, Central Bank of Ecuador, Manager of the National Financial Corporation Machala Branch, H. National Congress of Ecuador as Advisor; Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Foreign Service as Diplomatic Consul in Sullana, Peru; Consul in Piura, Peru; Consul General in El Salvador and Belize; Universidad San Antonio de Machala as Professor and Director of Postgraduate Programs, Continuing Education and National and International Relations; Metropolitan University in Machala. Technical University of Machala. 

Participation in research projects and various publications made 

Andres Marcelo Pacheco-Molina, Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador



Associate Professor 1 of the Technical University of Machala 

Co-Director of the GMP Knowledge Management Research group: current status of industrial companies on the coast. 

Master in business administration and management - Universidad Tecnológica Empresarial de Guayaquil (UTEG) 

Commercial Engineer - Technical University of Machala (UTMACH) 

Institutional email: 


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