Differentiated pedagogical program for coeducational Management, Basic Education Career, University of Guayaquil, 2021
Main Article Content
This research seeks to know how men and women learn, since coeducation is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, to educate teachers in order to serve their students, considering structural differences, enhancing academic performance, in specific areas of knowledge such as language and mathematics, reflecting on the cognitive differences given by sex at the time of learning. The general objective is: to propose the application of a differentiated pedagogical program to strengthen the coeducational management of the teacher of the studied career. The applied-type study, descriptive scope, quantitative approach, non-experimental cross-sectional design, the sample contains 30 people with non-probabilistic convenience sampling, as a data collection technique a survey was applied and the instrument a questionnaire with 20 closed questions On the Likert scale, the internal consistency of the instrument by Cronbach's alpha is 0.950, the analysis of the study variable showed in its results that the levels are at, low 20%, medium 57% and high 23%, with these measures It follows that coeducational management must be strengthened. Finally, it is found that coeducational management is directed to a mixed learning environment and requires conduction of teaching based on the form of neural learning from the biological aspect of men and women, by strengthening this characteristic, social equity is achieved.
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