The environment and its influence on human health in the Republic of Ecuador. Theoretical systematization

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Denia Iralda Ochoa-Mendoza
Denisse Angelica Zambrano-Ochoa
Victor Xavier Zambrano-Ochoa


This paper was aimed at presenting the involvement of the human beings in the deterioration of environment and its negative impact in their health status; additionally, it dealt with the positive influence of environmental education in the preservation of the environment, taking as a basis the information available in yearbooks and the review of research outcomes. The ecological deterioration worldwide has become more acute in the last few years and this situation has been caused by indiscriminate use of the natural resources together with the lack of interest by the countries which are responsible for these serious conditions affecting nature, the society and the human being´s health. The poor countries and the developing nations are the most affected with the destruction of the environment.

Anthropogenic or activity-induced pollution human as main source through the technological processes in industry, transport, in the agricultural branch, and where his time of permanency, geographical scope and effects are many and varied, sometimes unpredictable, affect in the same way the water, air and living organisms, reducing its quality and influencing the health of man. It is essential that you can aspire to raise awareness of top executives, institutions and competent authorities to avoid and prevent the pollution of the environment, that each day brings unfortunate consequences for man. We will particularly focus qualitative cutting research in the Republic of Ecuador. For the development of the research, scientific methods of the qualitative level were used, highlighting the historical-logical method for the determination of the main theoretical foundations that support the variables, as well as the theoretical and analytical-synthetic systematization. As the main result, it provides a highly useful theoretical systematization in the environment and its influence on human health in the Republic of Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Ochoa-Mendoza, D., Zambrano-Ochoa, D., & Zambrano-Ochoa, V. (2022). The environment and its influence on human health in the Republic of Ecuador. Theoretical systematization. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 30-42.
Author Biographies

Denia Iralda Ochoa-Mendoza, Universidad de Guayaquil - Ecuador


Doctor of Educational Sciences. Magister in Educational Management, degree awarded by the University of Guayaquil, Bachelor of Education. Professor and Academic Coordinator of the Faculty of Philosophy of the State University of Guayaquil period 2010-2020. Teacher of Primary Education, and director of the Rosa Garcia Montenegro School (Duran 1980-2020). Diploma in Curriculum Design.

Denisse Angelica Zambrano-Ochoa, Centro medico Salud y Piel - Ecuador


Magister in Occupational Health and Safety, Title Awarded by the Private University of Specialties Espiritu Santo, (2021): Medical, degree awarded by the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil (2019); Diploma in Nutrition and well-being: awarded by the Universidad Particular de Especialidades Espiritu Santo, (2020).

Health spokesperson and communicator for NIVEA (2017). Medical director of the medical center, Health and Skin since 2017.

Victor Xavier Zambrano-Ochoa, ALTURA - Ecuador


Computer Systems Engineer, Polytechnic Higher School of the Coast. Altura S.A (2017- present) Mobile project coordinator, R&D hardware and software analyst ESPOL-TECH E.P: August 2016 – September 2017: Technology project consultant. Innomine S.A: September 2014 – May 2016: Technical coordinator. Tepacorp S.A: December 2013 – May 2014: Hardware and software technical support. American English Academy: April 2012 – July 2013 :Teacher of English courses.


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