About the Journal
Focus and Scope
593 Digital Publisher CEIT, is a multidisciplinary digital research journal whose objective is to contribute to the scientific and academic community in strengthening research and knowledge management, born from May of 2016.
- To disseminate multidisciplinary knowledge in its various fields of thematic intervention.
- Contribute to the debate on the specific field of study.
- Promote debate and analysis on the theme covered by the magazine.
- Contribute to the reflection and improvement of the research practice.
The Magazine is published in digital version with (ISSN: 2588 -0705), in Spanish and English as main languages.
593 Digital Publisher CEIT, has bimonthly (30 articles per year) rhythm, published in the months of January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October, November-December, regularly it is published with a maximum of 10 days of the month of the edition.
593 Digital Publisher CEIT, meets index in Latindex with catalog 2.0, include in repositories: Dialnet, Miar, Redib, ERIHPLUS; PKP Index y Google Scholar.
Journal is member of Crossref DOI assign for each paper, Dialnet, ERIH PLUS, Miar and DORA declaration in San Francisco.
The Magazine is published in digital version with (ISSN: 2588 -0705), in Spanish and English as main languages.
593 Digital Publisher CEIT, publishes preferably results of empiric investigation in the matters mentioned in Spanish and/or English, being acceptable:
Inform, studies and proposals
States of the art
Arbitration system and publication norms
It is a Scientific arbitrated Magazine that uses the system of external evaluation for experts (break wind-review), low methodology of blind (double-blind review) couples, according to the citation norms and publication of American Psychological Association (APA) 6ta. The execution of this system allows to guarantee the authors an objective, impartial and transparent revision process, what facilitates to the publication its inclusion in databases, repositories and international indexations of reference.
The manuscripts should be unique correspondents and exclusively through OJS (Open Journal System), in which all the authors should be given previously of high. Originals correspondents are not accepted through electronic mail or another interface.
Open Access Policy
593 Digital Publisher is an open access journal entirely free for readers and authors that favors the reuse and self-archiving of their articles in international databases, repositories, directories and information systems. In this sense, 593 Digital Publisher has a Creative Commons 4.0 License ofAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. The magazine only retains the rights to publish the works.
The articles published in 593 Digital Publisher are subject to the following terms:
1.1. 593 Digital Publisher preserves the copyright of the published works, and favors and allows the re-use of the same under the Creative Commons 4.0 License ofAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0, which it could be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly displayed provided that:
1.1.a. Cite the authorship and original source of their publication (journal, editorial, URL and DOI of the work).
1.1.b. Do not use for commercial or costly purposes.
1.1.c. The existence and specifications of this license are mentioned.
1.2. The publication will grant each item a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Example: Zelaya, M. (2019). Public policies of university higher education: expansion / inclusion: The case of university extensions in the Province of Buenos Aires- Argentina. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(2), 17-30. https://doi.org/10.33386/593dp.2019.2.85
- Open Access Policy
2.1. 593 Digital Publisher is an open access journal, available in open access with no time restrictions.
2.2. Self-archiving conditions: Authors are allowed to re-use published works, ie post-print (or the final post-peer review or PDF version of the publisher) may be archived for non-publication purposes Commercial, including their deposit in institutional repositories, thematic or personal web pages.
- Right of readers
3.1. Readers have the right to read all of our articles for free immediately after publication. This publication does not have any economic charge for the publication or for access of the material.
- Automatic publishing
This journal makes your articles available in reliable repositories of third parties (eg: Redalyc, Latindex, institutional repositories ...) and a hard Disk in 593Dp server, immediately after its publication.
- Machine readability and interoperability
Full text, metadata, and citations of articles can be tracked and accessed with permission. Our open social policy also allows the readability of the files and their metadata, facilitating interoperability under the OAI-PMH protocol of open data and open source. Files from both full-length publications and their article targeting are available in open PDF, SWF y EPUB, making it easy to read on any device and platform computing.
All manuscripts submitted for review in 593 Digital Publisher are inspected by a disciplined anti-plagiarism policy that ensures the originality of the articles. To do this, different special services are used, such as the Plagiarism system, which analyzes the texts for grammatical and ortho-typographical matches, which ensures that the works are unpublished and ensure compliance with the standards of editorial quality that guarantee their own scientific production.
Also, 593 Digital Publisher makes available to authors and reviewers, as well as the scientific community, a set of specific tools in the detection of plagiarism: Grammarly, Plagium, Copionic, WriteCheck, PaperRater, Plagarism.net, Viper Plagarism Scanner or CrossCheck . It is a set of interfaces of free access and of payment, that supervise the originality of any manuscript and allow to control the plagiarism.
The Centro del emprendimiento, innovación y tecnología CEIT S.A. supports this innovative scientific, academic work management.