General information for authors

593 Digital Publisher CEIT, is an it has of scientific investigation, he/she is born from August of 2016 in an uninterrupted way, with fixed bimonthly rhythm, its lines transdisciplinary like Administration, Audit, Emprendimiento, Education, Finances, and Lawa, among others multidisciplinary editions.

Arbitration system and publication norms

It is a Scientific arbitrated Magazine that uses the system of external evaluation for experts (break wind-review), low methodology of blind (double-blind review) couples, according to the citation norms and publication of American Psychological Association (APA) 6ta. The execution of this system allows to guarantee the authors an objective, impartial and transparent revision process, what facilitates to the publication its inclusion in databases, repositories and international indexations of reference.


593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, meets index in Latindex with catalog 2.0, Google Scholar, Dialnet and in Road Directory of open Access scholarly resources.

He/she is member of Crossref and Dialnet.

The Magazine is published in digital version with (ISSN: 2588 -0705), in Spanish and English as main languages.

Reach and politics


Original contributions in Administration, Audit, Emprendimiento, Education, Finances, technological Innovation.


593 Digital Publisher CEIT, publishes preferably results of empiric investigation in the matters mentioned in Spanish and/or English, being acceptable:

Inform, studies and proposals
States of the art.


593 Digital Publisher CEIT, has bimonthly (30 articles per year) rhythm, published in the months of January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October, November-December, regularly it is published with a maximum of 5 days of the month of the edition.

Presentation, structures and shipment of the manuscripts

The works will show up in letter type Arial 12, simple spacing to (1), justified complete and without tabulators neither spaces in white among paragraphs, spaced after paragraph 6pt. Alone they will separate with a space in white the big blocks (title, authors, summaries, describers, credits and epigraphs).

The works should show up in document of Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx), being necessary that the file is anonimizado in Properties of File, so that author's identification he/she doesn't appear / it is.

The manuscripts should be unique correspondents and exclusively through OJS (Open Journal System), in which all the authors should be given previously of high. Originals correspondents are not accepted through electronic mail or another interface.

It structures of the manuscript

For those works that are about empiric investigations of character, the manuscripts will follow the structure IMRD (Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion), when they are of theoretical character the structure IDC (Introduction, Development, Conclusions), being optional the epigraphs of Notes and Supports. Those works that on the contrary are of reports, studies, proposals, revisions, reports, states of the art will be able to be more flexible in their epigraphs, especially in Material and methods, Analysis and results and Discussion and conclusions. In all the tipologías of works they are obligatory the bibliographical references that should coincide in number with those used in the document.

Title (Spanish) / Title (English): Concise but informative, in Castilian in first line and in English in second. They are accepted as maximum 15 words. The non alone title is the authors' responsibility, being able to propose changes on the part of the Editorial Council.

Name and complete last names: Of each one of the authors, organized by prelación order. They will be accepted as maximum 3 authors for original, although pudieren exceptions justified by the topic, their complexity and extension to exist. Next to the names it must follow the professional category, work center, each author's electronic mail.

They summarize (Spanish) / Abstract (English): He/she will have as extension maximum 300 words, first in Spanish and later in English. In the summary it will be described in a concise way and in this order: 1) justification of the topic; 2) objectives; 3) methodology and it shows; 4) main results; 5) main conclusions. It must be written in an impersonal way "The present work it analyzes". In the case of the abstract the employment of machine translators won't be admitted by its terrible quality.

Describers (Spanish) / Keywords (English): 5 describers should be exposed directly by each idiomatic related version with the topic of the work. The use of the key words exposed in Thesaurus of UNESCO will be valued positively.

Total extension of the document: for theoretical and empiric manuscripts it will be considered a maximum extension of 8.000 words.

Format: To edit with Times New Roman size 12, simple spacing (1), spaced after 6pt.

Introduction and state of the question: It should include the position of the problem, the context of the problem, the justification, basics and purpose of the study, using bibliographical appointments, as well as the most significant and current literature of the topic to national and international scale.

Material and methods: It should be edited so that the reader he/she can understand with easiness the development of the investigation. In their case, it will describe the methodology, the sample and the sampling form, as well as reference will be made to the type of analysis statistical employee. If it is about an original methodology, it is necessary to expose the reasons that have led to their employment and to describe their possible limitations.

Analysis and results: It will be tried to stand out the most important observations, being described, without making trials of value, the material and used methods. They will appear in a logical sequence in the text and the charts and indispensable figures avoiding the duplicity of data.

Discussion and conclusions: It will summarize the most important discoveries, relating the own observations with studies of interest, pointing out contributions and limitations, without to already redound data commented in other sections. Also, the discussion section and conclusions should include the deductions and lines for future investigations.

Supports and gratefulness (optional): Council Science Editors recommends the author / it is to specify the source of financing of the investigation. They will be considered high-priority the works with guarantee of competitive national and international projects. In any event, for the scientific valuation of the manuscript, this anonimizado should go with alone XXXX for its initial evaluation, in order to not to identify authors and investigation teams that should be explicitados in the Letter of Presentation and later on in the final manuscript.

The notes (optional) will go, alone should the need arise, at the end of the article (before the references). They should be written down manually, since the system of notes to the foot or the end of Word is not recognized by the maquetación systems. The numbers of notes are placed in superíndice, as much in the text as in the final note. Notes are not allowed that pick up bibliographical simple (without comments) appointments, because these should go in the references.

References: The bibliographical appointments should be pointed out in form of references to the text. Under any case they should be included you not index mentioned in the text. Their number should be enough for contextualizar the theoretical mark with approaches of present time and importance. They will show up alphabetically for the author's first last name.

Norms for the references: 593 digital Publisher you subject to Norma APA for the appointments of authors, charts and figures.

I process of shipment:

They should be remitted through the system OJS of the magazine two files:1. Manuscript as the insole to replace (discharged previously).

2. Letter of acceptance directed to the editor.

All the authors must give of high, with their credits, in the platform OJS, although one alone of them it will be the responsible for correspondence.

Important:1. It is necessary that the or the authors have their code ORCID, if he/she doesn't have it it enters in: Registration ORCID2. No author will be able to send or to have in revision two manuscripts in a simultaneous way per year.

Originality: when sending the manuscript, the author and authors must confirm that the document is an original contribution, not sent or in the process of being evaluated in another journal, as well as the acceptance letter, assignment of rights and declaration of conflict of interest directed to the publisher (see format).

Revision process: Once correspondent their article the section editor will revise that it fulfills all the signal conditions and it begins the process of revision of couples that hard among average 4 weeks, in the course of this time one will be able to request the author main explanations on the manuscript correspondent, when concluding this period the system OJS it notifies to the registered mail the editorial decision on the evaluation of even, if it is accepted it stops to production process until the publication of the corresponding number according to the thematic one.