The importance of the educational inclusion of students with special educational needs and its impact on the teaching-learning process at the Francisco de Orellana School.

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Fanny María Quijije-González
Sara Beatríz Zambrano-Macías


Throughout history, the contemporary world demand educators who are capable of attending to educational inclusion, particularly of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Ecuadorian education.

The article’s purpose is aimed to describe innovative strategies that offer new alternatives in the teaching-learning process in the Educational Inclusion of students. In the practice carried out at the “Francisco de Orellana” school, it was found that the students show learning and inclusion difficulties. They do not have innovative strategies that motivate their learning process. Methods and techniques were used to know the level of learning of the students and their main difficulties. The methods that were used were the logical historical, which studies the facts that have occurred over time in the inclusion; the observation that allow us to collect data in qualitative research study; and the interview which let us discover the institution’s reality. The result was used to innovative strategies that ensure the contribution in the institution, reducing exclusion, involving changes and modifications in the contents, learning strategies with transforming accompaniment to the students. Thus, we will innovate in the society on the way that differences could be appreciated as normal. 


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How to Cite
Quijije-González, F., & Zambrano-Macías , S. (2022). The importance of the educational inclusion of students with special educational needs and its impact on the teaching-learning process at the Francisco de Orellana School. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 215-226.
Author Biographies

Fanny María Quijije-González, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Fanny María Quijije González - Espiritu Santos University - Ecuador. 

18 years as a teacher with practice in private and public institutions. E.E.B Francisco de Orellana and Carlos Finlay in Quevedo City. The role of teacher has provided the opportunity to provide quality education to children, achieving a challenge in child welfare. 

Engineer in Administration and Public and Municipal Management at the State Technical University of Quevedo. Winner of the contest “Quiero Ser Maestro 6” in the Teaching of Education. 

Master Educational Management – Espiritu Santo University 

Sara Beatríz Zambrano-Macías , Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Sara Beatriz Zambrano Macias - 

Teacher 7 years of educational practice in fiscal institutions. E.E.B (Mocache) in the province of Los Ríos and Doce de October in the province of Guayas. Being a teacher has allowed me to have the opportunity to provide an education full of skills and attitudes so that students grow with autonomy and productivity, achieving a challenge in child welfare. 

Degree in Educational Sciences, Mention in Primary Education at the University of Guayaquil, contract teacher in the Education Department. 

Master in Educational Management- Holy Spirit University


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