Formative evaluation in basic education: Descriptive review

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Fanny Guadalupe Silva-Escalante


The result of the evaluation is known through the achievement of the competencies, and that is when the issue of formative evaluation becomes important. The purpose of this review article is to determine the conception of formative evaluation, purpose, processes and instruments used by teachers of basic education in their sessions. To achieve this, information has been compiled expressed in scientific articles published in various digital journals, not older than five years, so after selecting 60 articles and applying exclusion criteria, we worked with 36 of them, since they meet the objectives. and job-guiding questions; In addition, documents issued by the Ministry of Education of Peru were analyzed, mentioning the National Curriculum and current regulations. The results obtained show that teachers theoretically know formative evaluation and recognize its benefits and the need to be applied in institutions dedicated to education; In the same way, they recognize that feedback benefits students, but many researchers' works show that the traditionalist training of teachers prevents them from applying it and less according to the true needs of students. It is recognized that the processes of self-assessment, co-assessment, and hetero-assessment benefit the students, but that they need to be implemented as well as the instruments that they apply to have evidence of the real performance of the students. 


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How to Cite
Silva-Escalante, F. . (2023). Formative evaluation in basic education: Descriptive review. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 8(1), 13-23.
Author Biography

Fanny Guadalupe Silva-Escalante, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú

I am a teacher of Basic Education, I have already 30 years of service to the Peruvian teaching profession and I work as a teacher of primary education in Cajamarca, Peru. I have a master's degree in educational psychology, a second specialty in school management, and I am currently a doctoral student at César Vallejo University. I am very interested in researching current issues that affect our educational institutions 


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