La Technological innovation and its impact on educational inclusion at Institución Fiscomisional Técnico Ecuador-Mindo

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Maritza Ermilda Cruz-Morales
Yolanda Guadalupe Soria-Panata


Today the use of ICT Information and Communication Technology in the education of students with educational needs presents new challenges for governments, educational institutions and mainly for teachers, who have a greater challenge which must respond to the needs of each student to guarantee an inclusive environment, thus turning technologies into a positive resource to overcome barriers to access to information and communication.

The present research aims to analyze technological innovation and its impact on educational inclusion in the Ecuadorian Technical Fiscomisional Educational Institution, through training workshops for technical high school teachers, and in this way contribute to the proper use of digital tools in all students with and without Special Educational Needs. Two managers and one teacher at the technical high school level participated in the research to assess their individual or collective training needs. The research approach was qualitative, non-experimental, descriptive and analytical. The historical-logical method was applied, because a documentary review was made of how the training for teaching about inclusive education has been carried out in this institution, for example from the year 2000 to the present, combined with scientific articles about this topic in the Ecuadorian reality if possible in the region, since as teachers we must keep up with the changes.


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How to Cite
Cruz-Morales, M., & Soria-Panata, Y. (2022). La Technological innovation and its impact on educational inclusion at Institución Fiscomisional Técnico Ecuador-Mindo. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(1-1), 165-176.
Author Biographies

Maritza Ermilda Cruz-Morales, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Have a degree in Accounting and Auditing, I currently work as a teacher in the Ecuador-Mindo Technical Tax Commission Educational Unit in the specialty of Accounting, I have a history of accounting knowledge for 11 years and as a teacher for 5 years, during which time I managed to consolidate a global vision of teaching - learning in students. 

Yolanda Guadalupe Soria-Panata, Universidad Espíritu Santo - Ecuador


Teacher of the Ecuador Technical Tax Commission Educational Unit at the technical high school level, professional figure for Agricultural Production, with the aim of promoting in students skills, abilities, aptitudes to be autonomous and productive. 

Winner of the QSM7 contest with definitive appointment in the Teaching. 


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