Development of research capacities students of basic education: review study

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Amanda Rosalinn Ulloa-Olano


The globalized world demands trained professionals not only theoretically, but who demonstrate analysis, synthesis, reflection and research skills, among others; For this reason, it is necessary in the formation of the student to develop investigative capacities, which are presented from basic education so that they accompany him throughout his training and are established as part of his daily life. In this sense, the purpose of this investigation lies in the exploration of various scientific articles, as well as their contributions, in addition to determining to what extent the acquisition of investigative skills has impacted the development of students. Therefore, the methodology used was a systematic review of research on the subject, applying induction, analysis, synthesis, and deduction; Accordingly, 40 articles were selected from databases such as: Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science, Springer and ScienceDirect, using the PRISMA flowchart. Finally, the investigation showed that the development of investigative skills in basic education students promotes attachment to knowledge and participation in the search for solutions to problems in their sociocultural environment; In addition, investigative capacities are presented transversally in all areas of knowledge that the student must develop throughout basic education.


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How to Cite
Ulloa-Olano, A. (2022). Development of research capacities students of basic education: review study. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 7(4), 114-128.
Author Biography

Amanda Rosalinn Ulloa-Olano, Universidad César Vallejo - Perú


Teacher of the initial level IEI N ° 161 Huacariz - Cajamarca.

Degree in education from the National University Federico Villarreal Peru. Master's Degree in Education, Mention: Educational Administration, from the César Vallejo University - Peru.

 Title of Second specialty: School Management with Pedagogical leadership

Currently doing a doctorate at the Cesar Vallejo University - Peru


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