La The dispersion of risk, through the use of insurance

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Ruben Germán León Alvear
Marco Marcelo León Alvear


This research is structured so that they can clearly understand the risk dispersion and how it should be treated through the use of insurance. In the countries of Latin America in which the insurance activity becomes increasingly important as personal and institutional forms of development, whether they are public or private law, a clear tendency to deepen the need for risk coverage is envisaged, through an insurance that allows to safeguard their personal and patrimonial interests of the users, clients, companies or corporations that own it.

Insurance should be analyzed not as an expense but as an investment that protects your assets and giving your risk to an insurer; do not assume your risk, because you can lose important capitals that have been the result of your effort.

However, what is involved is to create a preventive awareness and a successful insurance culture, focused on sharing basic information with the insured and uninsured in the country that helps to understand what this important service means, in addition to its characteristics, principles, and other benefits that allow natural or legal persons, make responsible and timely use to protect their lives, their loved ones, most precious assets and everything that can be subject to insurability.


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How to Cite
León, R., & León, M. (2019). La The dispersion of risk, through the use of insurance. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 4(5-1), 194-207.


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