La Interpersonal Communication of the educational leader and its impact on teaching performance at the "Theo Constante" institution
Main Article Content
The educational administration is considered an important element for the function of the school community, being the most influential part in the results, after the action of the teachers. This entails good leadership, which allows to develop together with the collaborators towards the proposed objective, to establish the interpersonal communication strategies of the educational leader with the purpose of directing to a better teaching performance in the institution "Theo Constante", projecting a motivating vision, guiding, listening, creating interest and security. As an effect, the way they carry out their tasks will be positively influenced, not only what they do, but also how they do it.
For his part, the leader must be an observer, know himself, have control of his emotions, know how to accept mistakes and take constructive criticism into account. Likewise, as a team, the goal should be to work transparently, empathically and also report the results obtained from the work, as this builds trust and motivation. However, all these characteristics of educational administration and leadership are unknown by educational institutions, which leads to a great current problem.
It is for this reason, in the present investigative work we will apply a descriptive, analytical, experimental, logical, inductive, deductive historical investigation with a quantitative and qualitative approach, to know the reality of the institution, the most important characteristics of personal leadership are identified and teachers' interpersonal skills.
The educational administration is considered an important element for the function of the school community, being the most influential part in the results, after the action of the teachers. This entails good leadership, which allows to develop together with the collaborators towards the proposed objective, to establish the interpersonal communication strategies of the educational leader with the purpose of directing to a better teaching performance in the institution "Theo Constante", projecting a motivating vision, guiding, listening, creating interest and security. As an effect, the way they carry out their tasks will be positively influenced, not only what they do, but also how they do it.
For his part, the leader must be an observer, know himself, have control of his emotions, know how to accept mistakes and take constructive criticism into account. Likewise, as a team, the goal should be to work transparently, empathically and also report the results obtained from the work, as this builds trust and motivation. However, all these characteristics of educational administration and leadership are unknown by educational institutions, which leads to a great current problem.
It is for this reason, in the present investigative work we will apply a descriptive, analytical, experimental, logical, inductive, deductive historical investigation with a quantitative and qualitative approach, to know the reality of the institution, the most important characteristics of personal leadership are identified and teachers' interpersonal skills.
The educational administration is considered an important element for the function of the school community, being the most influential part in the results, after the action of the teachers. This entails good leadership, which allows to develop together with the collaborators towards the proposed objective, to establish the interpersonal communication strategies of the educational leader with the purpose of directing to a better teaching performance in the institution "Theo Constante", projecting a motivating vision, guiding, listening, creating interest and security. As an effect, the way they carry out their tasks will be positively influenced, not only what they do, but also how they do it.
For his part, the leader must be an observer, know himself, have control of his emotions, know how to accept mistakes and take constructive criticism into account. Likewise, as a team, the goal should be to work transparently, empathically and also report the results obtained from the work, as this builds trust and motivation. However, all these characteristics of educational administration and leadership are unknown by educational institutions, which leads to a great current problem.
It is for this reason, in the present investigative work we will apply a descriptive, analytical, experimental, logical, inductive, deductive historical investigation with a quantitative and qualitative approach, to know the reality of the institution, the most important characteristics of personal leadership are identified and teachers' interpersonal skills. As an instrument, a survey and interview were used, obtaining the required information, achieving the development of our work in an organized way through the interpretation of data, affirming the veracity of the research, obtaining valid and reliable facts that will favor the work.
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