Philosophy of Law: A Systematic Analysis of Theoretical Currents

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Juan Pablo Montero-Solano


A central task of legal philosophy is to provide a general explanation of the normativity of positive law. Positivist legal theories pursue this objective mainly through philosophical analyzes (linguistic, conceptual or ontological) that explain the Law through descriptive references to social practices, mainly of institutional actors. For example, legal validity is explained by a rule of recognition, which is a social norm among legal officials. Naturalistic approaches to legal positivism seek closer contact with the social sciences. The Theories of Natural Law deny that any explanation of the Law can be successful without reference to (true) political morality


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Montero-Solano, J. (2021). Philosophy of Law: A Systematic Analysis of Theoretical Currents. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 6(6-1), 699-712.
Author Biography

Juan Pablo Montero-Solano, Universidad Técnica de Ambato - Ecuador


Juan Pablo Montero Solano is a lawyer and magister from the Technical University of Ambato, I work as an undergraduate teacher and Academic Director of the master's degree in Constitutional Law at the Technical University of Ambato. He has participated in the accreditation process and in the curricular redesign of the UTA Law career.


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