Scientific production as leverage of accreditation, case of a Faculty of Administra-tive Sciences in Ecuador 2015 - 2017

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Galo Mauricio Durán-Salazar
Erika Sonia Quiñonez Alvarado
Flor María Lorena Estrada Carrera


The University of Guayaquil was intervened and categorized as "D" having to apply all its faculties a strengthening plan addressed to five subsystems, among them the research criteria, in order to be accredited. The research was documentary, analyzed the scientific production of the Faculty of Sciences Administration during the period 2015-2017, in view that until 2014, the faculty did not have procedures to receive the researches of the professors; Also, little was part of the teaching research, so the results were zero. Then, with the intervention and application of the Strengthening Plan, the results obtained were positive since the teachers generated 351 scientific products, four  international congresses. At the university level, the participation in scientific production of FCA has grown significantly, being the faculty that contributed with more scientific articles and the accreditation of the UG in the year 2017 to category B.


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How to Cite
Durán, G., Quiñonez, E., & Estrada, F. M. (2019). Scientific production as leverage of accreditation, case of a Faculty of Administra-tive Sciences in Ecuador 2015 - 2017. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 4(3), 39-47.


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