Validation of the method and tools of the Webb model for the analysis of the alignment between the Baccalaureate Mathematics curriculum and the Ser Bachiller test

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Fernanda Figueroa
Miguel Herrera


Alignment can be defined as the extent to which the educational goals expressed in the curricular project and the external standardized evaluations are articulated to facilitate the expected development of the students and serve as a guide for the teachers. There are different models for the analysis of the alignment, but the Webb model is one of the preferred ones, because it has been applied in many occasions and is widely documented. This study validates the method and instruments proposed by the Webb model for its later application in an alignment research, being the first time that a work of this type is carried out in Ecuador. The validation of the Webb model was developed in ten phases, starting with the formation and training of a panel of 4 experts, and continuing with the analysis, in individual and consensus sessions, of each of the five categories of analysis proposed by Webb. This work involved a dedication of 25 hours for the experts. The work carried out by the panel of experts allowed adjustments to be made to improve the methodology and the analysis tools. The study reveals that the application of the Webb model in the Ecuadorian context is feasible and is facilitated by the structure of the 2016 curriculum and its articulation with the learning standards.


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How to Cite
Figueroa Chávez, J. F., & Herrera Pavó, M. Ángel. (2019). Validation of the method and tools of the Webb model for the analysis of the alignment between the Baccalaureate Mathematics curriculum and the Ser Bachiller test. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 4(4), 4-18.
Author Biographies

Fernanda Figueroa, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar

Docente de educación básica, actualmente subdirectora. Licenciada en ciencias de la educación, mención Pedagogía, Universidad Salesiana, sede Quito. Especialista Superior en gestión de la calidad educativa y maestrante en Educación por la Universidad Andina, Sede Ecuador.

Miguel Herrera, Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar

Psicopedagogo, doctor en Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento. Gestor, profesor e investigador en diversas instituciones públicas y privadas, nacionales e internacionales en los campos de la evaluación, del currículo, del e-learning, de la educación bilingüe intercultural, de la formación del profesorado, de la inclusión educativa y del género en educación. Director Nacional de Estándares Educativos, Director Nacional de Currículo, Subsecretario de Fundamentos Educativos y Viceministro de Educación entre los años 2015 a 2017. Actualmente, consultor independiente y docente del Área de Educación de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, sede Ecuador; así como colaborador docente en el máster de Educación y TIC de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.


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