Forensic audit as a research tool in the detection of frauds

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Yessenia Alvarado
Gissela Chicaiza
Jennifer Estrada


The Forensic Audit is a technique that integrates knowledge of all branches such as accounting, financial and legal with the aim of determining illegal acts.
This type of audit is made up of a multidisciplinary team, depending on the type of organization and the operational activity it has, it may require the participation of specialists from different areas. But all these professionals will be under the guidance of the Forensic Auditor who is conducting the investigation.
It is an alternative to fight corruption, because it allows the auditor to issue a technical opinion that serves as evidence before the courts so that justice acts with greater certainty, especially in relation to the monitoring of fiscal management.
However, the forensic audit is not only limited to the facts of administrative corruption, also the forensic professional is called to participate in activities related to fraud, money laundering, among others.


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How to Cite
Alvarado, Y., Chicaiza, G., & Estrada, J. (2016). Forensic audit as a research tool in the detection of frauds. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT, 1(2), 55-71. Retrieved from


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