Public policies of university higher education: expansion / inclusion The case of university extensions in the Province of Buenos Aires- Argentina

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Marisa Zelaya


This paper presents some theoretical-methodological aspects of a research project, entitled "Public policies of university higher education: expansion / inclusion, the case of college university extensions in the Province of Buenos Aires - Argentina", anchored in the Nucleus of Educational and Social Studies (NEES). This investigation represents an integration work of some previous studies referred to the temperature on the relationship between State, Society and University. Continuing this line of research, it refers to the university expansion in the last decades through the Áreas Extensions in our country, particularly in the province of Buenos Aires.

In this sense, it is necessary to point out that the inquiry about the "Attic extensions" or new forms of organization of the university education, as in the case of the study of the "University Extensions of Las Flores", is interesting to analyze the reconfigurations of the map University of this region that gives other dynamics to the process of expansion and diversification of the university system.

The challenge of this research lies in the possibilities of providing greater and deeper understanding in the field of higher education as well as in university knowledge and public policies of the process of reconfiguration of the university higher education system.


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How to Cite
Zelaya, M. (2019). Public policies of university higher education: expansion / inclusion: The case of university extensions in the Province of Buenos Aires- Argentina. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 4(2), 17-30.