The Conceptuality and Reality of Indigenous Justice in Ecuador

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Roberth Eduardo Delgado-Sayay


In the Ecuadorian State, not only since the 2008 constitution in force until today, the right to the administration of justice of the indigenous collectivities through their own authorities is recognized, being this subject of the analysis of this article and is one of the issues that requires special attention and treatment given the disadvantageous situation in relation to the prevailing ordinary justice within the national territory. Within the unitary state as it is configured in Ecuador, the presence of jurisdictional systems including a system of alternative justice for the resolution of conflicts is very useful even to decongest the administration of ordinary justice given the high demand for judicial processes.
In this work, when approaching the exercise of the indigenous justice administration, the analysis of primary and secondary sources with emphasis on the constitutional regulations, international and legal instruments, at the same time the actual praxis of these processes is evidenced, whose panorama is not at all encouraging since this millenary system has not been fully developed.


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How to Cite
Delgado-Sayay, R. (2021). The Conceptuality and Reality of Indigenous Justice in Ecuador. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(5-1), 292-304.
Author Biography

Roberth Eduardo Delgado-Sayay, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic. Magister in Constitutional Law. Official in various public and private institutions. Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of International Trade, Integration, Administration and Economics of the Carchi State Polytechnic University (UPEC). Professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Indoamérica Technological University (UTI Quito). Co-author of the book Rights in the Ecuadorian Constitution "Contributions from Multidisciplinarity", Corporation for Studies and Publications (CEP); and, columnist on Notes on the Ecuadorian Legal Reality: Rights, Justice and Enforceability.

The lines of research are Constitutional law; Civil law.


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