The role of the university teacher and the development of action-research

Main Article Content

Oscar Vinicio Munive-Obando
Ivonne Agusta Andino-Sosa
Karla Fabiola Romero-Coronel


The applicability of action research in education has a variety of facets that feed the various fields and disciplines on a permanent basis in order to generate strategies to seek solutions and propose improvements. Higher education generates lines of research in its various careers, but it has not been possible to systematize it, there is no research structure that generates the functional interrelation between the elements that produce educational problems. The objective of this article is to analyze the use of action research in the field of teaching practice, from different approaches and perspectives that allow strengthening the teacher's development based on experiences. For this purpose, a bibliographic review on action research in the educational context is carried out, implementing a qualitative methodology that derives in the Bibliographic - Documentary type. The results obtained highlight the importance of introducing Action Research in the professional development of teachers with the purpose of changing their practice, understanding and conditions of the same, on the other hand, teachers with extensive experience have the pedagogical domain, and of the topics of the curricular contents, for which, they develop a wide range of activities that can be selected in the act of teaching-learning, while teachers in training experience many difficulties in the planning. Research can be a real learning experience for every teacher, with the student as the most important member of this process.


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How to Cite
Munive-Obando, O., Andino-Sosa, I., & Romero-Coronel, K. (2021). The role of the university teacher and the development of action-research. 593 Digital Publisher CEIT | ISSN 2588-0705, 6(6-1), 439-448.
Author Biographies

Oscar Vinicio Munive-Obando, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Biology, Master's Degree in Socio-Educational Projects, Diploma in University Teaching and Research, Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences.

Professional Development

Universidad Tecnológica América, Career Director.

Universidad Central del Ecuador, Academic Coordinator, Galapagos Campus.

Instituto Tecnológico Superior Cordillera, Advisor to the Rector.

Red Financiera Rural, Academic Coordinator

SENESCYT, Academic Coordinator of Higher Institutes.

Dillon Higher Institute of Technology, Academic Vice Rector

UTI, Learning Resources Coordinator

UTI, Academic Council

Ivonne Agusta Andino-Sosa, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences, mention in Educational Psychology and Professional Guidance, Master's Degree in Educational Development from the Central University of Ecuador, Diploma in Educational Leadership at the NUR University of Bolivia, Diploma in Socio-training, Diploma in Entrepreneurship. 25 years of professional experience in primary, secondary and higher education.

Karla Fabiola Romero-Coronel, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica - Ecuador


Profession Educational Psychologist, with a Diploma in Innovative Pedagogies and a Master's Degree in Education and Development of Thought from the University of Cuenca. She has 15 years of experience as a teacher, having exercised her profession in the levels of Initial, since 2019 and Undergraduate in different IES, Her areas of research are: 1) Initial Education; and 2) Educational Psychology. 3) Higher Education. She has participated as a speaker at conferences on Education.


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